1. Blackburn Akers, Sr. (William, William, William) was born about 1731 - 1740 (1, 4) possibly in Albemarle Co., Virginia (5, 6) or Montgomery Co., Virginia (3) and died about 1786 - 1799 in Montgomery Co., Virginia (1, 4). Sources 1, 2, 3, all state he died about 1786 in Montgomery Co., Virginia (1, 2, 3), but data has also been seen for 1797 in Montgomery Co., Virginia (5, 6). Earl B.Akers, Sr. listed a Military date of March 31, 1781 in Montgomery Co., Virginia (1). It is possible he may have served in Revolution and may have filed or received a pension on this date. Several Miscellaneous (Misc 1 - 11 in Notes section) dates were included with Earl B. Akers' correspondence before he died. They are listed in the notes section. It is unknown what they pretain to, but further research into Montgomery Co., Virginia records may prove fruitful in their discovery. For each of the miscellaneous dates he has "Montgomery Co., Virginia - The First Hundred Years" by Judge C. W. Crush as his source. I have been thusfar unable to obtain a copy to look at this source and it may provide the answer to what these dates pretain to. However, it is my belief that they pretain to either Land or Court records as there are several listed in the notes from him but no dates were given. He married Susannah Blackburn in about 1755 in Virginia (5,6), daughter of John Blackburn and Elizabeth (MNU). Note Earl B. Akers, Sr. has her only as ? Blackburn (1). She was born about 1730 in Virginia (5,6) and died about 1785 in Virginia (5,6).
Notes for Blackburn Akers, Sr. (Unless otherwise noted from (source 1))
Misc 1: September 13, 1777, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 2: Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 3: 1771 (1)
Misc 4: October 17, 1787, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 5: September 04, 1794, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 6: 1795, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 7: November 06, 1795, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 8: April 06, 1796, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 9: September 12, 1796, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 10: October 05, 1797, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Misc 11: October 03, 1799, Montgomery Co VA (1)
Witnessed the will of John Mossum, recorded in Cumberland Co. VA Will book 1, page 97, 7 Oct 1754.
Shown on 1782 Montgomery Co VA personal property tax list with one tithe, eight cattle.
Shown on the 1782 Montgomery Co VA land tax list with twenty acres, value seven pounds, ten shillings; tax one shilling six pence.
On the unfit-for-duty list of the militia company of Captain Daniel Trigg, indicating he was 50 years of age.
sworn to Allegiance to the American cause
on the head of Little River, Botetourt Co , later Fincastle and then Montgomery Co VA.
Walter Crockett vs. Blackburn Akers et al. Blackburn Akers and John Bishop held & bound unto Walter Crockett, Sheriff, the sum of 12 lb 11 shillings. (This stems from a suit of John Plank vs. estate of Blackburn Akers for the sum of 6 lb 5 shilling 6 pence. Note was signed by Blackburn Akrs and John Bishop. jno. Bishop signed in German. Witnessed by Marthy (?) Akers and Nancy Akers.
William Hall vs Blackburn Akers - by acct. Blackburn Akers owes Hall 2 lb 12 shillings.
Ingles & Russell vs Blackburn Akers. Blackburn Akers owes 7 lbs 14 shillings 5 pence & 5 lb damage. Note signed by Akers 29 Mar 1794 promised to pay 6 lb 17 shilling 4 pence on demand. This went on from 24 Mar 1794 to 1799. Many papers never served "for lack of time" and "for want of men". Note on back of one paper says "keep of by the force of arms". (kept off).
Herd's Execs. vs Blackburn Akers, debtor to Mordecai Herd $3.00 for salt.
summoned in Messenger Lewis vs Blackburn Acors for a note dated 11 May 1793 for 3 lb.
John Van Lear vs Blackburn Akers et al. Owed 8 lb 16 sh & costs (et al was Samuel Merriday who was on Blackburn's bond).
Geo. Taylor & Co. vs Blackburn Akers - note for 4 lb 6 shilling 1 penny for value recd. To appear in court Dec. 7, 1796.
Ingles & Russell vs Blackburn Akers for 5 lb damages & 7 lb 14 sh - to appear in ct. Dec 3, 1795
John Van Lier (Lear) vs Blackburn Akers 8 lb 16 sh & damage 5 lb owed on April 2, 1793
Notes for Susannah Blackburn or ? Blackburn (1):
Evidence indicates Unknown Blackburn was a daughter of John Blackburn II, making her and Blackburn Akers first cousins (1)
Children of Blackburn Akers and Susannah Blackburn are:
2. Solomon Akers, Sr.
3. Jonathan Akers
4. John B. Akers
5. Valentine Akers
6. Augustine Austin Akers
7. William Akers
8. Claybourne Akers
9. Martha Akers
10. Jacob Akers
11. Blackburn Akers, Jr.
12. Susannah Akers
13. Adam Akers, Sr.