*Alice de Claremont
*Alice's father was
*Hugh , Count of Claremont de Claremont
. She was an only child. *Alice is no longer alive.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
*Hugh , Count of Claremont de Claremont
*Alice de Claremont
*Alice's family with *Gilbert FitzRichard , Lord of Clare de Clare
They had six sons and two daughters, named
*Gilbert Stongbowr FitzGilbert , Lord
Baldwin FitzGilbert , Lord of Bourne
Richard FitzGilbert
Robert FitzRichhard , Barron of Baynard
Roger RitzRichard
Walter , Lord of Nether Gwent
*Adeliza Alice
*Gilbert Stongbowr FitzGilbert , Lord de Clare
*Gilbert Stongbowr FitzGilbert , Lord was born about 1100. He died on January 6th, 1147.
*Adeliza Alice de Clare
Baldwin FitzGilbert , Lord of Bourne de Clare
Richard FitzGilbert de Clare
Robert FitzRichhard , Barron of Baynard de Clare
Roger RitzRichard de Clare
Rohese de Clare
Walter , Lord of Nether Gwent de Clare
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