Dagobert The was born in 0230 in Germany.1 Dagobert The's father was Walter King Of Franks. His paternal grandfather was Clodius The Third. He was an only child. He died at the age of 87 in 0317.1
General Notes
1 NAME /Dagobert/ 1 NAME Dagobert Duke Of /Franks/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC Germany
General Notes:
Kame gives his birthdate at about 230. This would precede his father and grandfather's birthdate in other sources, so all three generations need verified. (C-1419)
2 Steve Pearson to L.Dudick E-mail letter dated Oct. 23, 1997 forwarding lineage provided by Eyelyn Easson at spkphpsp@gte.net (L.Dudick files, C-1346).