They had a son and a daughter, named
Mayor Of The Palace Of Austrasia and
Family Notes
Itta was the wife of the Austrasian Mayor Pepin I. Accordin
g to later Carolingian Frankish mythology, Itta was the dau
ghter of Arnoldus, a Margrave of Schelde and Oda. Arnoldu
s was the son of Blithildis (suposed to be a daughter of Ki
ng Chlotar I of the Franks, however he had no such daughter
) and Ansbertus. Ansbertus was the son of Deuteria and anot
her Scheldian Margrave Ansbertus Ferreolus. Ansbertus was t
he son of Tonantius, son of Papinilla and Tonantius Ferreol
us (c420-c475). Papinilla was said to be a daughter of th
e Roman Emperor Avitus, and Tonantius Ferreolus said to b
e a grandson of the Roman general Syagrius who was kicked o
ut of Gaul by King Clovis I of the Salian Franks.
CHAN17 May 2004
Page last modified 8/4/2017