Noel Arthur Joseph Ferland
Noel Arthur Joseph was born on December 25th, 1925 in
Montgomery, Vermont
Noel Arthur Joseph's father was
Herve Ferland
and his mother was
Rose Marie Maurice
. His paternal grandparents were
Beloni Ferland
Marie Louise Chartier
; his maternal grandparents were
Wilfrid Maurice
Albina Deslandes
. He had eight brothers and three sisters, named
Louis Joseph
Raymond Joseph
Maurice Oscar
Paul Richard Joseph
Robert Victor
Roger Maurice
Germaine Alma
Mary Jeanne
Therese Grace
. He died at just 4 days old on December 29th, 1925 in
Montgomery, Vermont
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Louis Ferland
Louis Ferland
Desanges Therrien
Louis Ferland
Benoit Charest
Emelie Charest
Anastasie Boudreau
Beloni Ferland
- b.27 Oct 1862 in St. Johns, Quebec d.09 Jul 1951 in Claremont, New Hampshire
Jean-Baptiste Chabot
Emelie Chabot
Emelie Simard
Herve Ferland
- b.10 Jun 1903 in Pawtucket, Rhode Island d.21 Oct 1976 in Claremont, New Hampshire
Etienne Chartier
Marie Louise Chartier
- b.17 Feb 1868 in Grosvenordale, CT d.19 Oct 1948 in Claremont, New Hampshire
Eleonore Fontaine
Noel Arthur Joseph Ferland
- b.25 Dec 1925 in Montgomery, Vermont d.29 Dec 1925 in Montgomery, Vermont
Wilfrid Maurice
Rose Marie Maurice
Albina Deslandes
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
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