Ranulph (The Rich) St. Liz
Ranulph, known as The Rich, was born about 1018 in
, Normandy, France
. The Rich's father was
Foulques of Chantilly
. His paternal grandfather was
Rotholdeof St Liz
. He was an only child. He died in 1080.
General Notes
pg 128, "Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists etc" by Frederick Lewis Weiss, 6th Edition
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Rotholdeof St Liz
- d.~ 0995
Foulques of Chantilly
- d.1050
Ranulph (The Rich) St. Liz
- b.~ 1018 in , Normandy, France d.1080
The Rich's family with Ermengarde
They had a son named
Simon of Northampton
Earl Simon of Northampton St. Liz
Simon of Northampton was born about 1055 in
Bradenham, , England.
. He died in 1111 in
La Chartrie, Mayenne, France
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