Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Dublin
Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Dublin
[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: A. Roots 239, H istory of Morgan Family; Kraentzler 1406, 1409;
Young; Simpson.
Also called S itric amd Shitric of the Silken Beard.
Roots: Sihtric of the Silken Beard, Kin g of Dublin.
Viking King of Dublin and first Christian King of Dublin. Went on pilgrimage
to Rome in 1028 and died in 1042.
Simpson calls him Sihtric MacAn laf. Gives birthdate.
Young: Sihtric Silkenbeard, King of Dublin, died 1042.
K: Sihtric MacAnlaf, King of Dublin, Man and the Isles. MacAnlaf, son of
Anlaf , does not jibe with Roots re Sihtric's parentage. K. does not carry the
line farther back.
DEATH: in Battle of Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland
This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.