I wish I was sure of every name in this file & that I didnt
need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this,
So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell
me or someone I didnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not
respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont
consider them Kin!
Thanks and Happy Hunting!
I wish I was sure of every name in this file & that I didnt
need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this,
So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell
me or someone I didnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not
respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont
consider them Kin!
Thanks and Happy Hunting!
BIOGRAPHY: Son of Heremon. 10th monarch D.167O B.C. A very learned King who cou ld foretell things to come. He built seven palaces, and cleared much of the cou ntry's ancient forests." By Pat Traynor at http://www.rootsweb.com/~fianna/hist ory/milesian.htm
BIOGRAPHY: "Irial Faidh (a prophet): his son, was the 10th Monarch of Ireland; died 1670 BC. This was a very learned king; could foretell things to come; and caused much of the country to be cleared of the ancient fo rest. He likewise built seven royal palaces(Rath Ciombaoigh, Rath Coincheada, R ath Mothuig, Rath Buirioch, Rath Luachat, Rath Croicne, and Rath Boachoill). He won four remarkable battles over his enemies: Ard Inmath, at Teabtha, where St irne, the son of Dubh, son of Fomhar, was slain; the second battle was at Teanm huighe, against the Fomhoraice, where Eichtghe, their leader , was slain; the t hird was the battle of Loch Muighe, where Lugrot, the son of Moghfeibhis, was s lain; and the fourth was the battle of Cuill Martho, where the four sons of Heb er were defeated. Irial died in the second year after this battle, having reign ed 10 years, and was buried at Magh Muagh. During his reign a great part of the country was laid open, and freed from woods.
BIOGRAPHY: Eithrial: his son; was the 11th Monarch; reigned 20 years. This prince was distinguished for his great learning; he wrote, with his own hand, the history and travels of the Bad elians; nor was he less remarkable for his valor and military accomplishments. He was slain by Conmaol, the son of Heber Fionn, at the battle of Soirrean, in Leinster (1650 BC) leaving only one son Foll-Aich: his son; was kept out of th e Monarchy by Conmaol, the slayer of his father, who usurped his place.
Tiger nmas: his son; was the 13th Monarch, and reigned 50 years.
BIOGRAPHY: Enboa th: his so n. It was in this prince's lifetime that the Kingdom was divided in two parts by a line drawn from Drogheda to Limerick.
BIOGRAPHY: Smiomghall: his son; in his lifetime the Picts in Scotland were forced to abide by their o ath, and pay homage to the Irish Monarch; seven large woods were also cut down.
BIOGRAPHY: Fiacha Labhrainn: his son; was the 18th Monarch; reigned 24 yea rs, slew Eochaidh Faobharglas, of the line of Heber, at the battle of Carman. D uring his reign all the inhabitants of Scotland were brought in subjection to t he Irish Monarchy, and the conquest was secured by his son the 20th Monarch. Fi acha at length (1448 BC) fell in the battle of Bealgadain, by the hands of Eoch aidh Mumho, the son of Moefeibhis, of the race of Heber Fionn. He was called La bhrainn because during his reign the stream of Tubher Labhrainn began to flow.
BIOGRAPHY: Aongus Olmucach: his son; was the 20th Monarch. He was named for having a breed of swine of a much larger size than any in Ireland, the words " oll" and "mucca" signifying "great swine." He was a valiant and war-like prince , and fought the following battles: the battle of Claire, the battle of Moigen Cgiath, in Connaught; the battle of Glaise Fraochain, where Frachain Faiah was killed; and in his reign the Picts again refused to pay the tribute imposed on th