Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lord Of Corbeil
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
Sources: A. Roots 63, 124, 124A, 125; Kraentzler 1143b, 1342, 1346,1350; Paget; Falaise Roll, page 101; The English Ancestry of Peter Bulkeley,Grace Chetwood and Sarah Chauncy--A Compilation of Ancestral Tables by FrankWayne Ayers, p351, 641.
Roll: Robert Fitz Hamon, lord of Creulli in Normandy.
Paget: Lord of Tewkesbury and Glamorgan.
Roots: Robert Fitz Hamon, Lord of Crelly in Calvados and Baron ofThoringni. Grandson of King Henry I of England. Doesn't say how.
K: Robert Fitz-Hamon, Earl of Corbeil, Seigneur de Cruelli inCalvados.
Ayers: Robert FitzHamon, founder of Tewksbury; died 1107.
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.