Nickname:<NICK> "the Peaceful"
Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
[from 139798.GED]
Edgar reigned 959-975. The first King of a united England. He allowed his Danish subjects to retain Danish laws. Edgar promoted a monastic revival and encouraged trade by reforming the currency. He improved defence by organising coastal naval patrols and a system for manning warships. Although he succeeded on 1 October 959, he was not crowned until 973 because St Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury, disapproved of his way of life.
It is recorded that Edgar, while keeping his court at Chester, was rowed down the River Dee, the oars manned by eight kings of neighboring tributary states. The story, while probably untrue, sets forth his power not only over his own immediate subjects, but over the whole island. He had a well-trained army and a strong navy and his title shows that at least he lived on good terms with his neighbors.
2 DATE 0957
2 DATE 0975
1 NOTE Eadgar, called The Peaceful (944-75), Saxon king of the English(959-75), younger son of King Eadmund I. In 957, during the ruleof his brother, King Edwy (940?-59), Eadgar was chosen by theMercians and Northumbrians to be their sovereign. One of hisfirst acts was to recall the monastic reformer St. Dunstan, whomEdwy had exiled; Eadgar subsequently made Dunstan bishop ofWorcester and London and archbishop of Canterbury. In 959 Eadgarsucceeded to the entire English Kingdom. His reign was notablefor the establishment of national consolidation, reformation ofthe clergy, improvement of the judiciary system, and formationof a fleet to defend the coast against the Scandinavian Vikings.Merged General Note: Eadgar, called The Peaceful (944-75), Saxonking of the English (959-75), younger son of King Eadmund I. In957, during the rule of his brother, King Edwy (940?-59), Eadgarwas chosen by the Mercians and Northumbrians to be theirsovereign. One of his first acts was to recall the monasticreformer St. Dunstan, whom Edwy had exiled; Eadgar subsequentlymade Dunstan bishop of Worcester and London and archbishop ofCanterbury. In 959 Eadgar succeeded to the entire EnglishKingdom. His reign was notable for the establishment of nationalconsolidation, reformation of the clergy, improvement of thejudiciary system, and formation of a fleet to defend the coastagainst the Scandinavian Vikings.
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