Name Prefix:<NPFX> King of Britains
DATE 12 MAY 2000
Pendragon (King of Kings) of all the Britons AD
I wish I was sure of every name in this file & that I didnt
need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this,
So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell
me or someone I didnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not
respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont
consider them Kin!
Thanks and Happy Hunting!
GIVN Cymbeline (Trimobantes) King of
SURN Britons
! Information from ADAM CHART by Archibald F. Bennett.
! RELATIONSHIP: H. Reed Black is 60th G G Son.
murdered by Hanno, a Roman
Would you like a CD with all of the current information on my family. If so, send me an email and I will give you my address where you can send $10.00 to cover my expense of sending you a CD with all of the information here and pictures.
If you have information relating to our tree, then please email me at I will be very interested in what you have and adding it to my tree.
I have had several request to remove some individuals, unfortunatly, I have lost those request due to a computer crash. If you will please send my those request again, I will remove them on my next update. For now please accept my appologies.
John Crunk
DATE 12 MAY 2000
submitted by DEBORAH LYNNE FOX B.1-13-1960