Descendants of Christopher Nutter [Hacker's Creek, WV 9508] (on disk)
"Christopher Nutter was born in 1642, according to Northampton County VA court records, probably in England, and died in Somerset County Maryland in 1702. He emigrated to Northampton County in August, 1662. He married Mary Dorman September 4, 1665. Mary was an indentured servant of John Curtis. Christopher's will was probated in Somerset County MD and was dated December 2, 1702."
Dau. of Amer. Colonists Lineage Book, Vol. #8
Christopher NUTTER (1643-1702) of Somerset Co., MD was a landed proprietor and an interpreter for Indians."
[Early Settlers of Maryland - Skordas, 1979, p 339]
This source lists two Christopher NUTTERS and indicates that a Mary was already his wife.
[Old Somerset on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, 975.223 T635 by C.Torrence, 1935 gathered by Marlys Guildner - 960219 - West LA, CA.]
"NUTTER. Christopher NUTTER (c. 1636 or 40-1702/3), in Northampton County, Virginia, August, 1662; in Manokin section, 1665-6; lived at "Nutters Purchase," n. side Manokin River (now [1935] in part occupied by northern end of town of Princess Anne), 1666-c. 1674; removing thence to "Nutter's Neck," on Quantico Creek (now Wicomico County).
He was a government Indian interpreter, 1693 (XIV Arcv. Md., p.532).
Nutter's Fort
from Harrison County Genealogical Society Clarksburg, WV
Reprinted in The Nutter Newsletter, by Jan Alpert, July 1990
This account of the genealogy of the three Nutter brothers, (Matthew, Thomas, and John) the builders of Historic Nutter Fort, was extracted from the genealogy of the Nutter family and other sources.
The fort, sometimes called "Miles End Block House" was a stockade structure on the eastern bank of Elk Creek just beyond the corporate limits of present day Clarksburg and in the area of the now town of Nutter Fort. It lay near the road (now State Rt. 20) running between Clarksburg and Buckhannon, known as the Buckhannon Road of Pike.
The structure was built on land of the original land grant of Thomas Nutter who came to the area in 1772. The primary builders were Thomas, Matthew, and John. Christopher Nutter, a son of Thomas, also helped build the fort. Perhaps others unknown helped.
Nutter's Fort was the strongest fort within the present boundaries ofHarrison County. This structure provided protection not only to thefamilies of the immediate area but to settlers on the juncture withthe Tygart's Valley River at Fairmont, Marion County. The fort wasused by the settlers, to the south, on the Buckhannon River and on Hacker's Creek.
When the Hacker's Creek settlement was destroyed by the Indian raidsof 1779, the escaping population took refuge in this fort, where theyaided in resisting the savages and in restoring control of thecountryside to the white population. A monument, now located in front of present Roosevelt-Wilson High School places the said site of the fort.
English tradition indicates that persons named Nutter were foresters, hunters, and traders of products of the forest. Nutters were found in the early records of the settlers along the eastern sea coast.
In 1662, Christopher stated that he was 22 years of age. - Fooks Family History, by Herbert C. Fooks 5
"Received of William Smith, Feoffee in Trust to a Deed of Gift of Sarah Dorman, deceased, sheep, cattle, goods as followeth, six cows,one two years old, two yearlings, six calves, five cows of Mr. JohnC ustis, Guardian to Mary Dorman, in all 22 head of cattle, one mare,one mare colt of one year old, one mare foal, one feather bed, boulster, furniture to it. 2 pewter dishes, one basin, 5 sheep, ??received in full payment for myself and wife, Mary Dorman, orphan.
Witness my hand this 14th of March 1664/5
+392 tobacco 5 sheep, a halse ?
The mark of Christopher Nutter
Teste: John Dorman
The marke of John List
PROP: purchased 300 acres called "Nutter's Purchase" 12 OCT 1666 MD, Somerset Co. 11
PROP: sold a bay horse 3 MAY 1667 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "to Thomas Poole." 12
PROP: sold "Nutter's Delight" 30 JUL 1667 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter and wife, Mary, sold to Richard Hackworth, 150acres in Somerset County, Maryland, called 'Nutter's Delight.'Christopher recited that on 10 February 1665/6 (old calendar) a patentfor this land was granted to him." 13
PROP: sold "Killmaynhom" 30 JUN 1668 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter, and his wife, Mary, of Somerset County, Marylandconveyed to John Dorman, of the same place, 150 acres of land, at headof Manokin River, called Killmaynhom being the land patented by thegrantor October 12, 1666." 14
PROP: bought "Nelson's Choice" 29 DEC 1668 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter purchased from John Nelson and Katherine, his wife, a parcel of land in Manokin, Somerset County, Maryland, called Nelson's Choice, containing 300 acres." 15
PROP: patents "Nutter's Adventure" 5 DEC 1670 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher patents Nutter's Adventure on the south side of NanticokeRiver and east side of Quantico (sp?) Creek, 200 acres" 16
PROP: sold "Nutter's Purchase" 21 NOV 1672 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter and Mary, his wife, of Somerset County to CharlesBallard. Recites that on 5 August 1667, a patent issued to Christopher Nutter for a parcel of land called Nutter's Purchase, lying on the northernmost side of the head of the Manoakin River, between the lands of Owen Macrah and John Nelson....containing 300 acres. Nutter and his wife now convey to Ballard." 17
PROP: buys Morris' Lott 1675/76 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher purchases Morris' Lott on south side of Nanticoke at the head of Momonquak (Monumsco) Creek from Jenkins Morris, 100 acres." 18
PROP: buys Shield's His Choice BET 1676 AND 1702 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "land layed out for Thomas Shields' and patented by Alice Shields on Sept 21, 1676" 19
PROP: buys "Salisbury Plain" 4 SEP 1676 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher purchases 'Salisbury Plain' on the south side Nanticoke River at the Head of Manquah Creek from Isaac and Mary Noble." 19
PROP: bought "Salisbury" 10 SEP 1677 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "10 Sep 1677 Christopher Nutter, of Somerset County, Maryland, purchases a tract of land, containing 200 acres, called Salisbury on the south side of Nanticoke River in Somerset County, Maryland, from Isaac Noble and Mary, his wife, of Somerset County." 20
PROP: bought 'Dorman's Delight' BET 28 JAN 1678 AND 3 FEB 1678 MD, Wicomico Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter, of Somerset County, purchased land called'Dorman's Delight' from Thomas Purnell of Somerset County, and Sarah, his wife. Thomas Purnell recited that on 10 March 1674, a patent was granted to John Dorman, cooper, of the said county of Somerset for atract of land called Dorman's Delight lying on the Nanticoke River, on the south side of the river and on a creek of the said river, called Quantico on the east side of the creek of the said river, called Quantico. Beginning at a marked pine being a parcel of land of Christopher Nutter .....300 acres, that on ??? sold to Purnell and Now Thomas Purnell deeds to Christopher Nutter." 21
PROP: patents "Wilton" 6 NOV 1678 MD, Somerset Co. 22
PROP: patents "Attawatocoquin" 2 JUN 1682 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher patents 'Attawatocoquin' at the head of Nanticoke. NOTE: Patent obtained by William Stevens and immediately assigned to Christopher Nutter." 22
PROP: patents "Tossewondock" 2 JUN 1682 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher patents 'Tossewondock' at the head of Nanticoke River,130 acres.
NOTE: Patent obtained by William Stevens and immediately assigned to Christopher Nutter." 22
PROP: patents 'Rich Ridge' 3 JUN 1682 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher patents 'Rich Ridge' near the head of Nanticoke. NOTE:Patent obtained by William Stevens and immediately assigned to Christopher Nutter." 22
PROP: sells 'Salisbury Plain' 2 MAY 1683 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "to William Piper" 22
PROP: patents 'Nutter's Rest' 21 APR 1684 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher patents 'Nutter's Rest' in woods near head of North Branch of Nanticoke. Land was later denied by Christopher's sons." 22
PROP: patents 50 acres 18 NOV 1685 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher patents 50 acres in Nanticoke Hundred, no name." 22
PROP: assigned 1200 acres 1684 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter was assigned 1200 acres of the original Attowattocoquin (10,000 acre) tract by Colonel William Stevens, the son of Cacilius Stevens. 23
PROP: buys 'Hansell' 30 MAY 1693 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher purchases 'Hansell', 700 acres from Thomas Taylor." 24
PROP: buys 200 acres 20 JUL 1694 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter, of Somerset County, Maryland, purchased land from John Shiles, planter, of Somerset County. John Shiles recited that on November 2, 1677, a patent was granted to John Shiles for a tract of land called Shiles Choice, on the south side of Nanticoke River, on the north side of a creek of the river called Quantico...containing 200 acres." 25
PROP: bought 'Morris' Lott' 14 JUN 1699 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter, gentleman, of Somerset County, Maryland, purchased land from Jenkins Morris, Jr., tanner, of Somerset County, Maryland. Mr. Morris recited that in the year 1675 a patent wa sgranted to Jenkin Morris, Sr., the father of the within named granter, for a tract of land called Morris Lott, and that the said Jenkin Morris, Sr., at this [sic] death, left the said tract to his son, Jenkin Morris, Jr. Now Jenkin for the sum of 2450 pounds of tobacco, Morris Lott containing 100 acres, and situated on the south side ofNanticoke River, at the head of Mamumquah (Marumsco?) is sold to Christopher Nutter." 26
Event: Living 1674 Nutter's Neck, Quantico Creek, Somerset Co., MD 5
Will: 2 DEC 1702 MD, Somerset Co. 5
Will: 1702/3 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher wills 'Tossewondock' to son, Charles." 27
Event: charged in court Misc 2 AUG 1662 VA, Northampton Co. 28
Event: stated his age as 22 Misc NOV 1662
Note: "in a deposition concerning a Thomas Letherberry, stated his age as about 22 years" 5
Event: entered himself and his wife Misc 4 SEP 1665 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter entered himself and his wife, Mary, into SomersetCounty, Maryland." 5
Event: registered his cattle mark Misc 4 JUN 1666 MD, Somerset Co. 29
Event: defendant in lawsuit Misc 29 APR 1667 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter was listed as defendant in lawsuit over a colt..." 30
Event: sppeared in court Misc 28 MAY 1667 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter again appeared in court in Somerset County, Maryland, being ordered to deliver a mare colt to Richard Britain." 30
Event: subject of a lawsuit Misc 18 JUL 1667 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Richard Britain brings another lawsuit against Christopher Nutter for 3000 pounds of tobacco." 30
Event: ordered to deliver a colt Misc 30 JUL 1667 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter ordered to deliver a colt within 3 months to Richard Britain." 5
Event: filed suit Misc 11 MAR 1668 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter filed suit against Richard Britain" 30
Event: suit heard Misc 30 JUN 1668 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher's suit against Richard Britain heard." 30
Event: registered his cattle mark Misc 14 SEP 1670 MD, Somerset Co. 31
Event: his house designated as a "preaching station" Misc MAR 1671/72 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher's house at Nutter's Purchase was designated as a 'preaching station' by the Somerset Grand Jury" 32
Event: in Maryland court regarding the runaways Misc 14 AUG 1672 MD, Somerset Co. 5
Event: registered his cattle mark Misc 12 SEP 1676 MD, Somerset Co. 5
Event: approved for payment Misc 26 OCT 1686 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter was approved for payment of 2000 pounds of tobacco under an 'Act for the Payment and Assessment of the Publique Charge of this Province' passed by the Lower House of the General Assembly of Maryland. Apparently this payment was questioned, and on page 204 of the same volume is recorded a statement by a member of the House, as follows: 'who was Interpreter in that General and National of the Indians and the services he has done the public therein; this House are sensible that the 2000 pounds of tobacco will not reimburse the said Nutter the one moioty of the expense and charge the said Nutter has been at if no consideration were allowed for his service and loss of time. Wherefore this House and the service he has done the public therein; this House are sensible that the said 2000 pounds of tobacco will not allow for his service and loss of time. Wherefore this House are of the opinion that the said Nutter ought in honor and conscience to be allowed at least 9000 of tobacco." 33
Event: allowed 4000 pounds of tobacco Misc 8 DEC 1686 MD, Somerset Co.
Note: "Christopher Nutter was allowed 4000 pounds of tobacco and liberty to make out his further claim at the next Assembly." 34
Event: Moved 1655 Princess Anne, Somerset Co., MD
Note: "to a farm near Princess Anne, ... 5
Event: Moved 1663 MD 35
Event: government Indian interpreter Appointed 1693 36