Henry C. and his wife Elizabeth moved from Alexandra Birginai andsettled on Wild Cat Creek, near Barboursville, in Cabell County. Onthe 1st Day of September 1821, he and his wife received deed for one hundred acres of land, for and during the natural lives of Henry Jefferson and Elizabeth, his wife. This was really a lease, for which they were to pay one dollar the first year and twenty dollars per year thereafter. They stayed there many tears, but later moved to a farm that his son Henry Jefferson Jr., owned on Nine Mile Creek. In hislatter years he moved to Seven Mile Creek and lived with hes daughter America and died at her home. He was a Gunsmith and said to have served in the war of 1812. He had a very large family in Cabell County, W.VA.
Copyed from information provided by the Virginia and West Virginia,KYOWVA Genealogical Society,Chapter 15