Banquo Thane of LOCHABER
Banquo Thane of was born in 0990. Banquo Thane of's father was
Fratmaldus the SENESCHEL
. His paternal grandfather was
Frotmundus VETUELS
. He was an only child. He died at the age of 53 in 1043.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Frotbald UNKNOWN
- b.0867 d.0923
Frotmund UNKNOWN
- b.0915 d.0985
Fretaldus UNKNOWN
- b.0937 d.1008
Frotmundus VETUELS
- b.0960
Fratmaldus the SENESCHEL
- b.0986
Banquo Thane of LOCHABER
- b.0990 d.1043
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
Banquo Thane of's family with Muldivana (Maud) of ATHOLL
They had a son named
Fleance Thane of
Fleance Thane of LOCHABER
Fleance Thane of was born in 1022.