Jacob Graves was born 8 March 1746 in Greenwich Township, Berks Co., Pa. His name appears in the Dunkel Church birth and baptism records, Greenwich Twp., as John Jacob Graff. He married Turley Coble, daughter of Anthony Coble. He appears to have served for a time in the British Army during the Revolutionary War. This may be explained by the fact that the Royal Governor (Tryon) forced those whom he defeated at the battle of Alamance in 1771 to sign an oath of allegiance to the Crown, and, being a very religious people, they either evaded service in the Continental Army or fought for the King. Jacob's will is dated April 9, 1820. He died 10 April 1820, and was buried in the Stoner Cem., Alamance Co., N.C. He was a member of the Moravian (Reformed) Church. Roy Stockwell states that of the following eleven children, only John and Boston moved to Tennessee, and it may be assumed that the others remained in North Carolina.