TITL Ancestors of Henry II (Plantagenet) King of England
AUTH Douglas McMartin PUBL 15 Nov 1995
WWW http://intermid.com/DoutBerg/genealog.y/royhenry.htm MEDI Electronic
TEXT Ulf (also Ulsius, Wulfsige)
TITL University of Hull Royal Database (England) AUTH Brian Tompsett, Dept of Compute r Science
PUBL copyright 1994, 1995, 1996
usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc
WWW, University of Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX bct@@tardis.ed.ac.uk MEDI Electronic
ALIA Wulfsige (Wolf) /Jarl of Denmark/
CAUS Killed.
_FA1 PLAC Acceded: 1020.