Gunnar Thoressen
Gunnar was born in 0938 in
Wessex, England.
1 Gunnar's father was
Gunnor. He was an only child. Gunnar is no longer alive.
General Notes
TITL Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet & Cecily de Neville AUTH Ernst-Friedrich Kraentzler
PUBL published by author 1978 MEDI Book PAGE chart 1188
TEXT Gunnar Thoressen Ealderman of Deira
TITL Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America bef 1760
AUTH Frederick Lewis Weis PUBL 7th ed Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore 1992
Same ref source as earlier ed, "Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists who Came to New England 1623- 1650" ed 1-6
good to very good MEDI Book PAGE line 1 pp 1-4
TEXT Thored (or Torin), no title, no parents
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.0908 in of Wessex, England
- b.0938 in Wessex, England