General Notes
!NOTE: Called "Peggy" most of her life she was born to a wealthy family in Maryland. Her old er sister had married a man in Kentucky and settled there so Margaret went to visit. She me t the young, Lt Taylor there and decided to stay for 2 more years to win his attention. The y were married and very much in love.
Peggy strove to be by her husband even when he was transferred all over the country. She too k the entire family along and made a home out of scant surroundings. When Zachary went to th e Mexican War she stayed behind in the U.S.
When Zachary was elected President she dutifully moved once again to his new "posting". Sh e never mingled much in the Washington social scene, but left much of the hostess work to he r daughter, Betty Bliss. When Zachary died she moved to live in Michigan with a daughter wher e she died in 1852. Her body was buried next to her beloved husbands in Kentucky.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.21 Sep 1788 in Calvert Co., Maryland d.14 Aug 1852 in East Pascagoula, Mississippi