!Genesis 5:1-32, 10, 11:10-32, 17:17, 20:12, 21:1-5, 23:1, 25:26, 29, 35:23-28, 38 (1-25)
!Chronology of the Biblical Patriarchs (1-23)
!1 Chronicles 1, 2:1-15, 3:1-16 (1-52)
!Ruth 4:12-22 (24-34)
!Luke 3:31-38 (1-34)
!1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, and various appendices in Bibles for royal chronology
!The Book of Jubilees (1-25, especially for wives) (see also !Pool, with primary sources here )
* Cainan is found in the Septuagint Genesis and attested in Luke 3:36, but omitted in all oth er Old Testament texts.