- b.3 MAR 1592/93 in Baverstock, Wiltshire, ENG

- b.1643 in Of, Surry, VA d.> 1704 in ,,England

- b. in <, Of Somerset, England>
- b.1665 in ,,Carolina

- b.~ 1573 in Of, Berkeswell, Warwicks, England d.BEF. 10 FEB 1572/73

- b.~ 1597 in Of, Berkeswell, Warwicks, England d.Aug 1649 in Virginia

- b.~ 1576 in Of, Berkeswell, Warwicks, England

- b.~ 1626 in Of Fairfield, Gloucester, VA d.16 Nov 1675 in Fairfield, Gloucester, VA

- b.~ 1600 in Berswell, Warwick, England