General Notes
In Sept of 1873 migrated w/mother and sister to join step father Peter in Polk county NE With his parents and sister he became a charter member of the Swedi sh Lutheran Church of Swede Home when the Church was organized August 12 1873. He was confirmed by Pastor Lars Ahlquist. Like all children of the pioneers, Emil was of great help in the labor on the farm. In 1893 he rented eighty ac res of land located northwest of Swede Home, which was owned by his brother-in -law, Nils Fredrick Carlson. There an unfortunate incident took place and he was assaulted by a jealous neightbor who had previously rented the land. This resulted in his death on May 12, 1893 He was buried in the Swede Home Cem N. E . Section Lot 37.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b. in Malilla, Sweden d. in Sweden
- b.05 Dec 1865 in Malilla, Smalland, Sweden d.12 May 1893 in Swede Home NE