Lucy (Ina) Rosalie Clarke
Lucy, known as Ina, was born on December 14th, 1904.
Birth Notes
From Civil Registration Death Index
Births Mar 1905
Clarke Lucy Rosalie Pancras 1b 10
age 6 1911 census born Hampstead Rd London
She died at the age of 80 on June 29th, 1985.
Emily (Betty) Annie Evans
Emily (Betty) was born on December 30th, 1907.
Birth Notes
Births Mar 1908
EVANS Emily Annie Hendon 3a 323
Age 3 1911 census born Willesdon Green
GRO Reference: 1908 M Quarter in HENDON Volume 03A Page 323
She died at the age of 81 on May 5th, 1989.
Rose (Dolly) Ruby Evans
Rose (Dolly) was born on April 5th, 1909.
She died at the age of 89 on October 26th, 1998.
Death Notes
First name(s) ROSE RUBY
Last name PARSONS
Gender Female
Birth day 5
Birth month 4
Birth year 1909
Age -
Death quarter 4
Death year 1998
District North Somerset
District number 3071
Register number 69E
Entry number 260
Date of registration mm/yy 1098
County Somerset
Leslie Evans
Leslie was born in 1915.
Birth Notes
Probable record: however birth may not have been registerd
Surname First name Mother District Vol Page
Births Sep 1915
Evans Leslie J Evans Croydon 2a 486
He died on November 1st, 1915.
Albert Rowland Evans
Albert was born on March 20th, 1916.
He died at the age of 69 on November 22nd, 1985.
William H Evans
William was born in 1917.
Birth Notes
Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page
Births Sep 1917 (>99%)
Evans William H Clarke Kingston 2a 627