Parish Register of St Mary, Chatham: Baptism Page 39, no.306, 6October 1830, Henry William Francis son of John & Mary JaneSTEARS, Chatham, Blacksmith.1841 Census, 6 June. PRO Ref. HO 107, Piece 482/4, Folio 166.Sutton at Hone, Kent. Address Hard's Row. Will STEERS, Age 30,Carrier, born in county. Edwin STEERS, Age 25, Carrier, born incounty. Mary STEERS, Age 22, born in county. Henry STEERS, Age10, born in county.1851 Census, 30 March. PRO Ref. HO 107, Piece 1609, Folio 288b.Higham, Kent. Address Upper Higham. Henry STEERS, Serv, Unm, Age20, Baker, birthplace Chatham, Kent. (In Rockcliffe household. aMiller & Baker).1861 Census, 7 April. PRO Ref. RG 9, Piece 477, Folio 35b.Rochester, Kent. Address 21 Delee Lane. Henry STEERS, Head,Marr, Age 30, Sawyer, birthplace Chatham, Kent. Emma STEERS,Wife, Marr, Age 41, birthplace Chatham, Kent. Alice STEERS,Daur, Age 15, Tailoress, Chatham, Kent. Edwin STEERS, Son, Age11, Scholar, Chatham, Kent. Elizabeth STEERS, Daur, Age 8,Scholar, birthplace Rochester, Kent. Henry STEERS, Son, Age 5,Scholar, birthplace Rochester, Kent. Rebecca STEERS, Daur, Age3, birthplace Rochester, Kent. Emma STEERS, Daur, Age 1,birthplace Rochester, Kent.1871 Census, 2 April. PRO Ref. RG 10, Piece 903, Folio 101b.Rocheser, Kent. Address 44 Bernett Street. Henry W F STEERS,Head, Marr, Age 40, Sawyer, birthplace Chatham, Kent. EmmaSTEERS, Wife, Marr, Age 51, birthplace Chatham, Kent. Elizth ASTEERS, Daur, Age 18, Needle Woman, birthplace Rochester, Kent.Henry J STEERS, Son, Age 15, Plumbers Laborer, birthplaceRochester, Kent. Rebecca E STEERS, Daur, Age 13, birthplace,Rochester, Kent. Emma C STEERS, Daur, Age 11, Scholar,birthplace Rochester, Kent. Alfred W STEERS, Son, Age 8,Scholar, birthplace Rochester, Kent.