Joseph Mather
Joseph was born on January 1st, 1897 in
Birth Notes
Births Mar 1897 (>99%)
Mather Joseph Bolton 8c, 523
Lancashire Birth indexes for the years: 1897
MATHER Joseph GLANCEY Great Bolton Bolton GB/36/197
Joseph's father was
<male> Mather and his mother was
Anna Glancey. He had a brother named
Joseph. He was the younger of the two children. He died at the age of 86 in January 1983 in
Death Notes
Name: Joseph Mather
Death Age: 86
Birth Date: 1 Jan 1897
Registration Date: Q1 1983
Registration Quarter: Apr-May-Jun
Registration district: Oldham, Greater Manchester
Volume: 39
Page: 0009
General Notes
There are 3 Joseph Mathers born in Sharples and Bolton in 1893. Mothers maiden names are Byrne, Cooney and Glancey. Only one born Q1/1897.
In 1939, Joseph was a Railway Fireman (born 1-Jan-1893) with Dorothy M, born 17 Jan 1913 (domestic duties).
On 21 July 1960 Joseph arrived on BOAC flight 557/344. The immigration record confirms his place and date of birth. His visa was issued at Manchester.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.~ 1870
- b.01 Jan 1897 in Bolton d.Jan 1983 in Oldham

- b.~ 1870
Joseph and
Dorothy were married in a religious ceremony in December 1933 in
Newton Heath.
Marriage/Union Notes
Marriages Dec 1933 (>99%)
Copeland Dorothy M Mather Manchester N. 8d, 1073
Mather Joseph Copeland Manchester N. 8d, 1073
Married at Newton Heath, St. Anne, Manchester
They had two sons and a daughter, named
Derrick and
Dorothy. There are no more children.