Ellen Lloyd
Ellen was born in 1818 in
Ellen is no longer alive.
Connections & Relationships
Ellen lived with
Joseph Lewis.
Relationship Notes
In 1881, Joseph Houghton (21) was living wirh his aunt Ellen Millington (59), a Laundress
Mary Millington
Mary was born on March 27th, 1852 in
St. Helens and her baptism took place on May 23rd, 1852 in
3 4
Birth Notes
Aged 9 in 1861, born Parr
Mary Sinclaire was 29 in 1881
Name: Mary Millington
Birth Date: 27 Mar 1852
Baptism Date: 23 May 1852
Parish: Prescot, St Helens, Lancashire, England
Father: Thomas Millington
Mother: Ellen Millington
Register Type: Parish Registers
Reference Number: Pr 2923/1/7
Abode Parr, Labourer