PHINEHAS fin'-e-as, -az, fin'-e-has, -haz (pinechac, "mouth of brass"): (1) Son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron (Exodus 6:25; compare 1 Chroni cles 6:4;Ezra 7:5, where he is seen to be an ancestor of Ezra). He took a leading partin cleansing Isrs fin'-e-as, -az, fin'-e-has, -haz (pinechac, "mouth of brass"): (3) Father of a priest named Eleazar (Ezra 8:33; compare Ezra 8:2; 1 Es dras 8:63, "Phinees"). Though Ezra 8:33 makes Phinehas the father, presumption here is that he is theson of Eleazer, which corresponds with other scriptures. --lmg Phinehas A Levite of Ezra?אשs time, (Ezra 8:33) unless the meaning be that Eleaz ar was of the family of the great Phinehas. Book V, Chapter 2. How, After The Death Of Joshua Their Commander, The Israelites Transgre ssed The Laws Of Their Country, And Experienced Great Afflictions;And Wh en There Was A Sedition Arisen, The Tribe Of Benjamin Was Destroyed Exce pting Only Six Hu