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Family Subtree Diagram : losse namen

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Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent (a child) (three children) (two children) (two children) (a child) (two children) (two children) (three children) (a child) 1904 (a child) 2000 1694 1682 (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) 1695 (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (two children) (two children) (five children) 1649 (three children) (a child) (a child) 1646 (a child) 1660 (two children) (a child) (two children) (a child) 1658 1690 (a child) 1946 (three children) 1576 1594 (a child) (three children) (a child) (two children) (two children) (two children) 1810 1806 1816 (a child) 1649 1849 (a child) 1686 (two children) 1940 (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Jozef Put 1953 Marcel Peeters nn Gaethofs 1946 - 1977 Frans 31 31 Gerda Smets Sonja Gaethofs Ivan Marcel Wolfs August Gaethofs Godelieve Vrancken Carolus Antonius Gaethoffs W Marie Gaethoffs 1708 - 1758 Antonius Gaethoffs 50 50 Isabella Clara Gaethooffs 1925 - 2023 Yvonne Gaethofs 97 97 1927 - 1984 Frederic Van Winge 57 57 1924 - 2003 Marcel Gaethofs 78 78 Anna Wouters 1935 - 1988 Elza Gaethofs 52 52 Andre Theunis 1740 - 1763 Anna Margarita Gaethofs 23 23 1944 - 1980 Jaak Gaethofs 35 35 Linda Perceval 1946 - 1951 Margaretha Gaethofs 5 5 Louis Gaeyhofs 1931 - 2008 Frans Vandebroek 77 77 1932 - 2006 Louisa Gaethofs 74 74 1943 - 2005 Louise Gaethofs 62 62 René Engelen 1913 - 2004 Irma Gaethofs 90 90 1929 - 2003 Rik Gaethofs 74 74 Agnes Janssen 1926 - 2003 Henri Gaethofs 76 76 1923 - 2002 José Gaethofs 78 78 Robert Gaethofs Christiane Geens Jan Gaethofs Maria Mechtilde Vanderstraeten 1932 - 2001 Ferdinand Gaethofs 68 68 1946 - 1977 François Gaethofs 31 31 nn Smets 1921 - 2001 Jeanne Gaethofs 79 79 Theopiel Wouters 1931 - 1988 José Gaethofs 57 57 1922 - 1973 Maria Gaethofs 50 50 1913 - 2001 Victorine Gaethofs 87 87 1913 - 1979 Gustaaf Lissens 66 66 1994 - 1994 Kira Gaethofs Josephine Gaethofs 1919 - 1984 Pieter Edmond Degrande 65 65 1943 - 1994 Robert Gaethofs 51 51 Annie Vanlommel 1944 - 1996 Paula Gaethofs 52 52 Jozef Engelen Anne Catherine Gaethofs Jan Baptiste Henderickx Eric Van Gaethoven Elisabeth de GRADY de HORION Bastien Van Gaethoven Thomas Van Gaethoven Egidius Gaethof Joanna Ramaut 1666 Pahieus Gaethof 1667 Jan Gaethof Jozef Willem Gaethoffs Ingrid Engelen Kathleen Engelen Victor Gaethofs Francis Gaethofs Aimé Gaethofs 1953 Joel Gaethofs Maria De Roey 1981 Mario Gaethofs 1917 - 1984 Jean Lekens 67 67 Marguerite Gaethofs Charles Joseph Trolin
Marie Virginie Gaethofs
Antoen Gaethofs De leningsovereenkomst van Aerdt  Frericx met Maria  Willems, geacteerd te Heusden op 8 februari 1640, verwijst naar Antoen Gaethofs en Aert  Van Heijden als betrokken partij. 1929 - 2010 Jules Gaethofs 81 81 D. 2006 Adrienne Coenen 1938 - 2022 Mia Gaethofs 84 84 1938 - 2002 Louis Vanoppen 64 64 1936 - 2010 Frida Gaethofs 74 74 D. 2002 Marcel Aerts 1942 - 2011 Maria Gaethofs 69 69 1956 - 1989 Boni 33 33 Monique Witters 1842 Pieter Alexander Peeters D. 1788 Wilhelmus Peeters Helena Gaethofs 1772 Maria Catharina D. 1575 Bartolomeus Gathoffs D. 1574 Renier Gaetoffs 1925 - 2012 Mathilde Gaethofs 87 87 Liliane M Gaethofs John G Musgrove D. 1704 Maria Gaethofs Abraham Leeckens Petrus Schuppen Elizabeth Gaethoff D. 1660 Joanna Vilters Silvester Gaethofs D. 1671 Maria Gaethofs Georgius Windils D. 1680 Cornelius Gaethofs D. 1684 Joannes Gaethofs D. 1696 Maria Gaethofs D. 1673 Petrus Gaethofs Catherine Gatoffs Pierre Joustens Jean Nicolai D. 1632 Marie Gaethoffs Hubert Daniels D. 1744 Marie Gaethofs Maria Gaethoffs Petrus Vaeliten Wouter Jans Maria Gaethofs D. 1743 Maria Gaethofs D. 1746 Petrus Gaethoffs D. 1748 Martinus Gaethofs 1614 Renier Gaethoefs Hubert Gaethoefs Jean Gaethofs Catherine Smets 1665 Catherine Gaethofs D. 1627 Jean Gaethofs 1933 - 2016 André Gaethofs 82 82 Julianus Felix Cools 1905 - 1985 Ferdinand Cools 80 80 1898 - 1984 Amelie Lebon 85 85 Marguerite Gerarda Gaethofs Catherine Josephine Gaethoffs Octave Emile Depasse 1875 - 1875 SN Gaethoffs 1937 - 2018 Jef Gaethofs 81 81 Theresia Degens 1959 - 2018 Benny Gaethofs 59 59 Vaso Periklakis 1927 - 2017 Maria Gaethofs 90 90 Madeleine Jans 1935 - 2016 Mathilde Gaethofs 81 81 Emiel Stockmans D. 1709 Elizabeth Gaethoffs Sebastianus Van Dinant Connie Gaethofs 1959 - 2010 André Pipeleers 50 50 1938 - 2014 Louis Gaethofs 75 75 D. 2012 Gina Moons 1950 - 2018 Karel Gaethofs 67 67 Linda Lavigne Jens Gaetholfs Joris Gaethofs Amanda 1944 - 2018 Hélène Gaethofs 74 74 Henri Strauven 1921 - 2016 Alice Gaethofs 94 94 1915 - 2000 Jacob Veljend 85 85 Christiane Veljend Thierry Habets Henry Gaethofs Marcelle Suede Patrice Gaethofs Valéerie Paerdams Marc Gaethofs Sabine Thewissen Alicia Gaethofs 1933 - 2012 Marcel Gaethofs 79 79 D. 2015 Nelly Moës Claudy Gaethofs Alain Gaethofs Sabine Maggi Fabienne Bonhiver 1934 - 2003 Robert Gaethofs 68 68 1933 - 2004 Louise Simon 71 71 Albert Ledent 1926 - 2011 Guillemine Gaethofs 84 84 Léon Gaethofs 1942 - 2008 Arlette Mathot 66 66 Aimé Gaethofs Chantal Cibour D. 1680 Antonius Gathoffsse 1935 - 2015 Leonardus Gaethofs 79 79 Maria Louisa Cerenia Huyskens Steve Gaethofs Ancy Gaethofs 1944 - 1960 Juliette Gaethofs 15 15 1923 - 1998 Maria Antonia Gaethofs 74 74 Jozef Peeters 1969 - 2017 David Gaethofs 47 47 Nathalie Gaethofs 1966 Guy Maetens Quetin Maetens Inès Maetens Yvette Gaethofs 1919 - 2002 Marcel Dethier 83 83 Sebastiaan Van Boeckhout Joanna Maria Gaethoffs Joannis Gaethofs Woonde op de refugie van Averbode, meer gegevens in het Diesters Documentatiecentrum het land van Diest koning Albertstraat 75 te diest Catharina Boogaerts 1623 Franciscus Gaethofs 1626 Maria Gaethofs 1629 Joannis Gaethofs Anna Gaethofs Petrus Buijcx 1928 - 1981 Marcel Gaethofs 52 52 Margriet Poels Marina Gaethofs Rita Marie-Josee Melanie Gaethofs 1938 - 2003 Bertha Gaethofs 65 65 1930 - 2001 Jean Corthouts 70 70 Peter Corthouts Linda Corthouts Celine Corthouts Johan Hurkmans Anke Hurkmans Michel Moermans Jana Moermans 1926 - 2007 Jozef Gaethofs 80 80 Maria Roosen Petrus Gaethofs D. 1680 Elizabeth Limkens Maria Gaethofs Gielis Goes D. 1676 Elisabeth Gaethofs Hendrick Maes alias Van de/der Sande D. 1676 Anna Maes Egidio Gaethofs Elsje De Beir Nico Gaethofs Dimi Gaethofs D. 1780 Catharina Gaethoffs D. 1781 Laurentius Franciscus Berben 1740 Petrus Berben Ellen Gaethofs Pascal Theybers Lendel Theybers Imthe Theybers D. 2013 Germaine Gaethofs Seraf Boons Julienne Gaethofs Bart Theys Elisabeth Gaethofs Jacobus Huygaerts Jean Huygaerts 1930 - 2021 José Gaethofs 90 90 Alfons Marx 1936 - 2020 Gaston Gaethofs 84 84 Nora Moons 1936 - 2020 Remi Gaethofs 83 83 D. 2008 Bertha Neys 1931 - 2020 Leon Gaethofs 88 88 Paula Claes 1924 - 2019 Mathilde Gaethofs 94 94 Maria Gaethofs Petrus Put Henri Coemans Elisabeth Gaethoffs Auguste Gaethofs wonende in Tilleur Marie Adeline Huybrecht 1926 - 2013 Marie José Gaethofs 86 86 1920 Louis Joseph Morren Gaethofs Anny Verbeure Marc Gaethofs Dirk Gaethofs Danny Verbeure 1934 - 2022 Rik Gaethofs 87 87 Paula Engelen Margartia Gaethofs Petrus Neesen Jeronimus Pauli Maria Gathoofs 1626 Christine Gaethofs Joannes Gaethofs Margarita Maria Gaeters Petrus Enckels 1671 Hermanus Enckels 1674 Georgius Enckels 1672 Aleidis Enckels André Adolf Gaethofs Margaretha Degens Danny Gaethofs Anja Hermans Lenny Gaethofs Jordy Gaethofs Josse Gaethofs Sandrine Nicole Gaethofs Geoffrey Gaethofs Christopher Salingros Timothy Geoffrey Salingros Kassie Julie Salingros Lowie Gaethofs 1939 - 2016 Mathil Gysbrechts 77 77 1743 Anne Gertrude Pasmans Trudo La Fortune 1760 François Joseph Antoine Henderickx Anne Catherine Janssens 1792 Anne Cornelie Mesens Paul Vermeiren Gerd(je) Gaethofs Maria Josephina Gaethofs 1908 Prosper Laurent Schelhaut 1922 - 2004 Frans Gaethofs 82 82 nn Custermans 1918 - 1972 Jozef Gaethofs 53 53 Stephanie Alenteyns Gilberte Van Winge Jos Van Winge Isidoor Van Winge 1932 - 2011 Paula Gaethofs 79 79 Martha Julia Gaethofs Robert Wouters 1922 - 2002 Pierre Gaethofs 80 80 Jeanne Van de Mier Franciscus Edmondus Van de Mier Rosalia Maria Simons Petrus Buyox Anna Gaethofs Gaethofs Marie Therese Vertessen 1945 - 1958 Guy Gaethofs 13 13 D. 1715 Maria Gaethofs Gerardus Maes 1690 - 1777 Joannes Maes 87 87 Maria Hauben Joannes Van Dinant Antonia Van Dinant Ivonne Gaethofs 1937 - 2011 Henri Aerts 74 74 1938 - 2020 Polydoor Theunis 81 81 Mathilde Gaethofs Paul Gaethofs 1958 - 2020 Marèse Wouters 61 61 1928 - 2019 Jeanne Gaethofs 91 91 Zuster Jacqueline Gaethofs Jaak Drijkoningen Karen Drijkoningen Tanya Drijkoningen Marleen Gaethofs Jos Tijskens 1927 - 2015 Laure Gaethofs 87 87 1969 - 2019 André Gaethofs 49 49 Sylvie Gaethofs 1978 - 2021 Manuel Lamesch 42 42 Morgane Gaethofs 1986 - 2022 Christophe Bourlez 35 35 1928 - 2009 Marie- Louise Gaethofs 80 80 Charles Germay 1960 - 2008 Michel Gaethofs 47 47 D. 2008 Jacques Wilmot Christiane Gaethofs Alexandre Gaethofs D. 2007 Catherine Vanhoof 1914 - 2005 Marie Hélène Gaethofs 90 90 Joseph Luyts 1920 - 2003 Marcel Gaethofs 83 83 Elisabeth Gaye 1631 Catharina Gaethoff 1638 Antonius Gaethoff 1960 - 2022 Josée Gielen 61 61 Jozef Gaethofs Jean Louis Victor Gaethofs Alberte Marguerite Augustine Perin Louis Gaethofs Virginie Catherine Blavier Léon Perin Justine Berthe Pierre Mariette Thérèse Joséphine Ancion gescheiden 1897 - 1979 Josephus Alphonsus Wuyts 82 82 Melania Gaethofs Joseph Theofiel Wuyts Lucia Geenen Gaethofs Faithful 1979 Sandy Andrea Faithful Marie Jeanne Gaethofs Jean Marc Jamart Yves Jamart Frederique Jamart 1946 - 2004 Robert Gaethofs 57 57 Theo Vanderstraeten xx Gaethofs D. 1960 Victor Jozef Vanderstraeten Maria Timmermans Joséphine Marie Gaethofs 1907 - 1993 Marcel Alexandre Fontaine 86 86 Hélène Marie Antoinette Fontaine Julien Joseph Alfred Pirotte 1955 - 2024 Romain Gaethofs 69 69 Madeleine Eerdekens Catherine Marie Gaethofs ( ) 1901 Joseph Julien Léon Solheid Jeanne Denise Firre 1934 - 1989 Colette Gaethofs 55 55 Ward Gaethofs Sabine Pollers Josephus Eduardus Pollers Aldegondis Antonia Cops Steven Gaethofs Kathleen Joris
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