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Family Subtree Diagram : Descendants of Ana Breves

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(two children) (four children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (eight children) (six children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (two children) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (three children) No more children (three children) (a child) Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (two children) (two children) (a child) Heinrich Schwartz The Creator of this genealogy page  was told by his grandmother Annita Schwartz that her grandfather Heinrich had been a Judge in Hungaria.
After he had been retired his busines was  the  horse .....
Margareta Stekel Schwartz 1876 - 1939 Konrad Schwartz 62 62 His decision  to immigrate from Yugoslavia (Croatia or Serbia?) to Brazil  would determine the destination of 4 of their 5  descendants. He was 48 years old in 1924 when he arrived in Brazil, with a lot of hope,  but their life in Brazil was not ease then he decided to go  back to europe again leaving a couple of children in Brazil  carring with him  his wife and 2 small children Adam and Konrad... but the life in Europe  had became terrible (1929 economic collapse) then he decided to move  to Brazil again in 1931, where he died.
1882 - 1954 Tererya Pfeiffer Schwartz 71 71 Konrad Schwartz, his wife Tererya (ex-Pfeiffer) and their 5 children were small farmers in Novi (Neu) Slankamen, currently Serbian region, but they seem to be Croatian (Catholic) and they were Germany native-speakers.
He knew that Brazil's Government was encouraging the immigration to Brazil, offering shared land which could be paid off by future work.
An issued was posted in the police wall. 10 families of Novi Slankamen went to Brazil in the same ship from Amsterdam; they arrived in Brazil in the last months of 1924.
Konrad and Tererya took 4 of their 5 children with them. Their oldest daughter Elizabeth  Harder (ex-Turk), 18 years old, had immigrated directly to New York from Le Havre port in Dec, 20th 1920, with her Husband Peter Turk (23). They lived in Granite City, Illinois, USA.
It was a time to immigrate from Balkans, many relatives had immigrated to USA (Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas) and Canada, the few who stayed in Europe immigrated to Austria after War II.
After they arrived, they realized the Brazilian's Government would not keep its word about shared land; Konrad took a difficult decision; to go back to Novi Slankamen, leaving only the 2 oldest children in Brazil. But with the trip he had spent great amount of money and the life in Europe had become much more difficult. In May 22nd, 1929 he got a local authorization  to go back  to Brazil, on June 7th, he got a visa in brazil’s  consulate in Vienna and so, they arrived back in Santos, in June 27th, 1929.
1914 Adam Schwartz 1916 Conrado Schvartz 1902 - 1967 Elizabeth Harder (Turk) 64 64 Name: Elizabeth Turk
Arrival Date: 20 Dec 1920
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1900 
Age: 20 
Gender: Female 
Port of Departure: Le Havre 
Ethnicity/Race­/Nationality: slovakian 
Ship Name: La Savoie 
Search Ship Database: View the La Savoie in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
She arrived in 1920, 20th Dec on New York Port from  Le Havre with her Husband Peter Turk. She was only 18 years old.
She used to  live in Chicago, Illinois (USA).
In 1952 she visited her sister Annita Schwartz in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They loved each other so strongly but their life was definitively separeted by their father's decision to immigrate to Brazil and her decision to immigrate to USA.
She did not speak portuguese so she was not able  to communicate with the Brazilian relatives, except for her sister Annita
1923 - 1985 Carlinda Ferreira Barbosa (Barbosa de Oliveira) 61 61 1952 Luiz Carlos Schwartz 63 63 1954 Julio Sergio Schwartz 62 62 Website's author. His native language was portuguese but he is able to speak and write in english. 1979 Adriana de Almeida Schwartz 37 37 1993 Mariana Lemos Schwartz 23 23 09/031953 Angela Maria Gomes de Araujo Schwartz 1992 Carolina de Araujo Schwartz 24 24 1988 Jaqueline de Araujo Schwartz 27 27 1897 - 1977 Avelino Ferreira Barbosa 80 80 He got married with "Cecília Barbosa Terra" who had heired
part of the "Bela Aurora" farm,  a huge  and tradicional farm which had many slaves. But the poor agriculture technology and the lack of slaves caused by the slavery abolition law, which had been aproved in Brazil  in 1888 led to a poverty situation.
The  world economic collapse after 1929-1930 may have worsened the economic condition in the most farms of Brazil
He was forced to sell some of the land,  year after year. Eventually he was forced to sell the main house where his wife's ascendants had lived in for the last 100 years.
He decided to move with his entire family to Rio de Janeiro's suburbs (Bangu).
In  "Rio de Janeiro" he had  a hard time.

1903 - 1974 Cecília Antonia Terra 70 70 "Cecilia Antonia Terra" heired part  of her father's Farm named "Bela Aurora". She got married with "Avelino Ferreira Barbosa" and had her name changed to "Cecília Barbosa Terra". She was very young,12 years old.
"The Bela Aurora" farm was a huge  and tradicional farm wich had many slaves in the last 100 years, but the  world economic collapse after 1929-1930 and the poor agrculture tecnology forced them to move to Rio de Janeiro's Suburbs which was growing with the Brazilian post war II industry developing.

1932 - 1972 Alfredo Ferreira Barbosa 39 39 1930 Maria José Barbosa Ferreira 86 86 1940 Mauriceia Barbosa da Silva 76 76 1906 Miguel Schwartz Rosilina Hiller 1926 Joseph Schwartz 89 89 He immigrated to Austria before the War II, probably he died in Austria.
Annita  Schwartz his aunt used to told he got in trouble during the nazi Austria's occupation caused he had lost his brazilians id documents.
His aunt got the pictured doc to prove he was born in Brazil.
D. 2009 David Pinto de Oliveira 1946 Lucíula Aparecida de Barros 70 70 1943 Aridalton Pinto de Oliveira 73 73 Davidson Pinto de Oliveira 1944 - 1995 Ibiapino Correia de Barros 50 50 1967 James de Barros 49 49 1971 Emerson de Barros 44 44 1945 Ana Maria Sartori de Oliveira 70 70 1974 Fabio Sartori de Oliveira 41 41 1968 Ana Monica Sartori Oliveira 47 47 1971 Marcelo Sartori de Oliveira 44 44 1951 Marlene da Silva Oliveira 64 64 1969 Davidson da Silva Oliveira 47 47 1971 Adriana de Oliveira Donda 44 44 1974 Luciana de Oliveira Alcaida 41 41 Alessandro Vicente Donda 1996 Anna Elisa de Oliveira Donda 20 20 2007 Giovana de Oliveira Donda 8 8 1970 Danielle Christine Bessa Netto 45 45 1983 Gleice Oliveira Magalhaes de Barros 32 32 2001 Fabricio Oliveira Magalhaes de Barros 15 15 1991 Daniel 25 25 1931 Martiella Marchiori Schvartz 84 84 1963 Telma Marchiori Schvartz Ferreira 53 53 1956 Marcio Emilia Ferreira 60 60 1990 Caio Schvartz Ferreira 26 26 1995 Isabela Schvartz Ferreira 21 21 2006 Pedro 10 10 Tales Alcaida 2002 ??? Alcaida 13 13 ??? Alcaida 1933 Onestaldo Ferreira 83 83 1956 Juvenal Barbosa Ferreira 59 59 1959 Romulo Barbosa Ferreira 56 56 1963 Marcia Barbosa Eskenazi 53 53 1938 Maurilio da Silva 77 77 1966 Monica Barbosa Longuinho de Souza 50 50 1965 Mauricio Barbosa da Silva 50 50 Romulo Ferreira Barbosa 1897 - 1967 José de Godoy 70 70 Luiz Gonzaga de Godoy Celina Sergio Godoy Telma Gilberto Schvartz Lourdes Schwartz Gilberto Schwartz Rogerio Schwartz Rosana Schvartz Anita Schwartz Teresa Schwartz Julieta Schwartz Ignez Schwartz da Silva Her address in 1968 was:
Rua Piataá, n° 255.
Carandirú- São Paulo
Peter Turk Peter arrived at the same ship of his spouse Elizabeth Turk
Arrival Date: 20 Dec 1920
Port of Departure: Le Havre 
Ethnicity/Race­/Nationality: slovakian 
Ship Name: La Savoie 
Search Ship Database: View the La Savoie in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Mildred Lipuma Her birth name was Mildred V. Turk 2005 Julia Sartori de Oliveira 10 10 2006 Thalita Netto Bessa de Barros 9 9 1996 Thiago Netto Schimdt Cardoso 19 19 1995 Tathiana Netto Schimdt Cardoso 21 21 Elidia Barbosa Freitas Elvira Barbosa Freitas Felicia Barbosa Fernandes Maria Brum Adelino Ferreira Barbosa Adriano Ferreira Barbosa Eurico Ferreira Barbosa Clarinda Ferreira Barbosa Anita Ferreira Barbosa Olivia Barbosa Cardoso Waldemar Antonio Cardoso Vera Barbosa Cardoso Davi Davi Vera Gloria Antonia Terra Jose Antonio Terra Maria Afonso Antonio Terra Nelsom Antônio Terra Ildo Antonio Terra Ari Antonio Terra Vitorino Lemos Manoel Antonio Terra ????? Antonia Terra Antonio Brum Manoel Jose Brum Nicomedes Jose Brum Josefina Brum Freitas ??? Freitas Carlos Freitas Olimpia Freitas Ilda Freitas Enedina Freitas Albino Freitas Lurdes Freitas Nadir Freitas Nestor Freitas He is considered a Heroe: In 1967, January 22th he, Darcy de Souza and some others employes of "Light" in a courageus decision decided to take actions to protect a important Dam  in Piraí (RJ), which was in risk due to severe storm Irineu Freitas 1962 Sergio de Assis Eskenazi 54 54 1986 Gabriel Barbosa Eskenazi 30 30 1991 Daniel Barbosa Eskenazi 24 24 Kelly D. 2002 Denise de Castro Ferreira 1992 Raquel de Castro Ferreira 24 24 1974 Erica Gleice de Menezes Ferreira 41 41 2002 Lucca Henrique de Menezes Ferreira 13 13 1955 Vera Lucia Ferreira 60 60 1982 Higo Fernandes Ferreira 34 34 1987 Thiago Henrique Ferreira 28 28 1997 João Pedro Barbosa Longuinho de Souza 19 19 1952 - 2008 Roberto Longuinho Souza 56 56 2000 João Victor Barbosa Longuinho Souza 15 15 2004 João Gabriel Barbosa Longuinho Souza 12 12 1968 Martinha do Nascimento 48 48 1993 Marianna do Nascimento Silva 22 22 Sebastiana Barbosa Valdir Barbosa Moises Barbosa Joel Barbosa Paulo Barbosa Diva Barbosa Dirce Barbosa Lindolfo Freitas D. 1945 Onofre Barbosa Freitas Sebastiao José de Freitas Celio Barbosa Freitas Moacir Barbosa Freitas Mario Barbosa Freitas Irene Barbosa Freitas Isaura Barbosa Freitas Anselmo Fernandes Fernando Fernandes Antonio Fernandes Manoel Tereza Barbosa Irani Barbosa Jandira Ferreira Barbosa Carolina Assunçao Barbosa Juliana Barbosa 1936 Luci Barbosa Martinho 79 79 José 1958 Marilene Barbosa do Amaral 58 58 1954 José Carlos Moreira 61 61 Mario 1961 Luiz Claudio Barbosa Prazeres 55 55 1943 Amauri Assunçao Barbosa 73 73 1944 Alair Assunçao Barbosa 72 72 1945 Altair Assunçao Barbosa 71 71 1947 Maria Alice Assunçao Barbosa 68 68 1948 Ana Maria Assunçao Barbosa 68 68 1952 Idalina Assunçao Barbosa 64 64 1953 Angela Maria Assunçao Barbosa 63 63 1956 Marcos Assunçao Barbosa 60 60 1957 Regina Assunçao Barbosa 59 59 1958 Beatriz Assunçao Barbosa 58 58 1960 Adriana Assunçao Barbosa 56 56 1940 Almiro Barbosa 76 76 Luiz Alberto Amaral 1985 Vanessa Barbosa Amaral 31 31 1984 Fernando Barbosa Amaral 32 32 1957 Evanice Oliveira Moreira 59 59 1984 Leandro Oliveira Moreira 32 32 1988 Vinicios Oliveira Moreira 28 28 1989 Adlaine Oliveira Moreira 27 27 1966 Maria Aparecida Belo Prazeres 49 49 1994 Daniela Belo Prazeres 22 22 1996 Victoria Belo Prazeres 20 20 1957 Paulo Roberto Moreira Elton Fabricio Moreira Mariana Moreira Ciloca Ferreira Barbosa Joseph V. Turk Box 216 R. 9.
Mª Henry, Ill.
Michele Barbosa da Silva 1939 - 1961 Jaime José de Freitas 22 22 He was one Brasilia's Pionners Jorge Jorge Livia Manuela Simone Sara José de Godoy Rua Zacharias de Goes 1070, natural de Jundiaí (70 aanos) Izabel Gonçalves de Godoy Iwenn Turk Louise Turk Terry Turk Jocy Turk
1967 49 49 Idalina Barbosa Rufino Barbosa do Rego Felícia Guedes Fazenda vizinha da Grama Manoel Barbosa do Rego Joaquiim Barbosa do Rego Eolália Barbosa do Rego Teodorica Fernandes 1926 - 2005 Vitor Barbosa Fernandes 78 78 Darcy de Souza Darcy é reconhecido como um dos herois da Light: Em 22 de Janeiro de 1967 ele, Nestor Freitas e outros colegas da Light tiveram a coragem de tomar decisões, com risco proprio e, desta forma salvar a integridade da Usina da Light t em Piraí (RJ), que estava em risco devido a uma chuva torrencial.  1955 Luiz Fernando de Souza 61 61 Pezão foi re-eleito Prefeito de Piraí, em 1996 e  2004.
É tambem  ex president da associação de ex-prefeitos do estado do Rio de Janeiro - APREMERJ.
Em 2006  foi eleito vice-governador do estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Além de vice governador  é também  o secretário de obras do estado.
Angela Maria Fernandes de Carvalho Victor Soares Fernandes Joanna D'arc Soares Fernandes Matias Regina Soares Fernandes Jorge Soares Fernandes Gilberto Soares Fernandes Maria Cristina Fernandes Teixeira Zuleika Soares Fernandes Gomes D. 1905 Ana Silveira Breves Seu nome de casada foi Ana Silveira Terra, o Terra foi adquirido de seu Marido Demésio Antonio Terra que foi  um funcionário nos armazens do seu sogro o Comendador Joaquim José de Sousa Breves. Renato Sirley Schwartz da Silva Franci Schwartz 1948 - 1967 Jon Peter Turk 19 19 Name: Jon Peter Turk
Birth Date: 27 Jun 1948
Death Date: 27 Oct 1967
Gender: Male 
Age: 19 
Race: Caucasian 
Home City: Melrose Park 
Home State: Illinois 
Religion: Roman Catholic 
Marital Status: Single (Spouse Not Listed) 
SSN/Service #: 54808398 
Citizen Status: U.S. 
Death Date: 27 Oct 1967
Processed Date: Oct 1967
Casualty Country: Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 
Casualty Type: Hostile - Killed 
Casualty Reason: Gunshot or Small Arms Fire 
Casualty Air: Ground Casualty 
Body Status: Body Recovered 
Service Branch: Department of the Army 
Component: Selective Service 
Military Grade: Corporal 
Pay Grade: Private First Class (U.S. Army) or Airman First Class (U.S. Air Force) or Lance Corporal (U.S. Marine Corps) or Grade/Rate Abbreviations With First Column: A,C,D,F,H,S,Or T; Second Column: A; Third And Fourth Columns: Blank (U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard) 
Province: Military Region 3 - Gia Dinh 
Length of Service : 01 
Service Occupation: Light Weapons Infantry (ARMY) 
Data Source: Combat Area Casualties Current File 
1930 - 1990 Carlos Alberto Schwartz 60 60 1910 - 1969 Annita Schwartz 59 59 She learned Portuguese very quickly and was able to speak German her native language. She became a joint  between the remained european relatives (german spoken), her sister Elizabeth in U.S.A (german & english spoken), her's      aunt in Canadian (german &  english spoken) and their brothers,  sons e grandsons in Brazil.
In 1961, she did  a very important trip to U.S.A. to visit her lovely sister Elizabeth Tucker Harder.
When she died in 1969 (in Brazil) every comunication with this 4  groups of relatives was completely lost.
Ermelinda Barbosa Freitas Ivete Irene Walter Harder Demesio Antonio Terra Renata de Freitas Alexandre Barbosa Maria Clara Araújo de Almeida 1935 - 2006 Balthazar Ferreira Barbosa 71 71 1943 Alice de Oliveira Barbosa 72 72 1964 Claudia Oliveira Barbosa da Costa 51 51 1969 Carla de Oliveira Barros 46 46 1973 Demetrius de Oliveira Barbosa 43 43 1998 Rúben Oliveira da Costa 18 18 2008 Theo Oliveira da Costa 7 7 Leandro de Souza da Costa 2003 Sophia Oliveira da Costa 12 12 1957 Elizabeth Lemos Chicourel 58 58 1961 Susan Carol Albert 55 55 Gustavo Freiberg 1997 Oliver Albert Freiberg 18 18 Yomutan Simões Geoffrey Harry Albert Margareth Joan Key Maureen Renata Alemar 2012 Isadora Barros 3 3 2014 Heitor Schwartz Simões 1 1 1952 Regina Beatriz Miano Mosterio 63 63 Filipe Schvartz Carol Schvartz 1948 - 2013 Carlos Benedito Mosterio 64 64 1980 Guilherme Miano Mosterio 35 35 1983 Flávia Miano Mosterio 32 32 1988 Priscila de Faria 27 27 2015 Gustavo Porfirio de Faria (Mostério) 1 1
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