Conrad Harry Adami Sr.
Conrad was born on November 30th, 1866 in
- Birth Notes
- ??hamburg?????
He died due to a respiratory problem and/or pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, at the age of 82 on August 27th, 1949. He was buried on August 21st, 1949 at the
Hillside cemetery, 2556 Susquehanna road, Roslyn, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA.
4 3
- Death Notes
- Cemetary Records
Section L Lot# 1441 deed # 6748
date of burial 8/21/49
age 82
cause of death Bronchopneum.
grave# 2
depth 7
size 7-3x31 Wooden Case
undertaker O.H. Bair
refers to a type of pneumonia that is localized, often to the bronchioles and surrounding alveoli.
Heinrich Charles Adami Sr.
Heinrich, known as Harry, Henry, was born on September 9th, 1868 in
Nieder-Weisel, Wetteraukreis, Hesse, Germany and his baptism took place there on September 13th, 1868 conducted by Pastor Wilhelm Kayser.
5 1 His godfather was Konrad (Vernon) Moins.
- Birth Notes
- "..... the Protestant Parish of Niederweisel
1886 B31
1198 No. 28
Heinrich Adami .... In the year of Christ: Eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, on September 9th, in the morning at 4:30 am, was born by credible notice by Johan Jackob Adami the fourth citizen of the town and train worker, at home by his wife Anna Elisabeth,, maiden name Klaum, the third child, a son;, the third son, and was baptized on September thirteenth, whereby he received the name Heinrich. Godfather was Konrad Moins,second citizen of the town and day-laborer. He signed the current Birth Records Book, along with the Notary and me, the Pastor who performed the baptism.
s/ Johann Jakob Adami IIII
s/Vernon Moins, 2nd
s/Wilhelm Kayser, Pastor ......"
He died at the age of 85 on January 11th, 1954.