Clement Coldom is supposed to have come from Lynn where the name is found among the early settlers. He was in Gloucester "the last of the last month" when his daughter died.
Pope in "Pioneers of Mass." says he was the son of Thomas, a miller, who was a Freeman in Lynn 14 May 1634. Savage in his "First Settlers of N.E." says; Clement, Lynn 1630, a miller, had Clement and others.
In Gloucester he served on a committee that built a church for the Rev. John Emerson that cost forty pounds, not including labor.
Torry: Clement married Mary (Pierce) (-1705) born 1647. The born 1647 does not mean Mary was born in 1647, it means her first child was born in 1647. It takes a bit of getting used to.
Newhall in the "History of Lynn" Clement b 1622 d 1703. Clement in Lynn 1630, member of Ancient & Honorable Artillary Co. in 1645. Choosen in 1691 to look after the great guns. A Brother of Thomas? Thomas, proprietor of Lynn, 60 acres, d 8 Apr. 1675 ae 74yrs.
Freeman May 04, 1634
Lynn, Essex, MA