- b.1085 in Hertford, England d.15 Apr 1136 in Abergavenney, Monmouth, Wales

- b.1116 d.1173

- b.~ 1098 in Hertford, England d.> 1142

- b.1162 in Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England d.30 Dec 1218 in Oxfordshire, England

- b.1110 d.1154

- b.~ 1135 in Burkenham, Field Dalling, Norfolk d.24 Dec 1195 in Norfolk, England

- b.1109

- b.1180 in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England d.25 Oct 1230 in Penrose, Brittany, France

- b.~ 1090 in Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France d.31 Oct 1147 in Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire, England

- b.1128 d.23 Nov 1183

- b.1090 in Chester, Chestershire, England d.1156 in Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire, England

- b.1160 in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England d.01 Jan 1224

- b.1104 in Meulan, France d.10 Apr 1166 in Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, France

- b.1129 d.24 Apr 1197

- b.~ 1102 in Norfolk, England d.> 1168 in Convent of Nuneaton, England

- b.04 Aug 1222 in Gloucestershire, England d.15 Jul 1262 in Ashenfield Manor, Waltham, Kent, England

- b.~ 1096 in Beck, Staffordshire, England d.~ 1130 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales

- b.~ 1105 in Pembroke, Wales d.1164 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales

- b.~ 1096 in Venuz, Normandy, France

- b.1146 in Pembroke, Wales, England d.14 May 1219 in Caversham Manor, Berkshire, England

- b.~ 1100 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England d.1147 in Bradenstoke, Wiltshire, England

- b.~ 1127 in Bradenstoke, Wiltshire, England d.03 Jun 1165 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales

- b.~ 1100 in Kempsford, Gloucester d.< 1147

- b.09 Oct 1200 in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England d.17 Jan 1240 in Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England

- b.21 Sep 1100 in Tunbridge, Kent

- b.~ 1096 in Meulan, Ile De France, France d.~ 1147

- b.1168 in Pembroke, Wales, England d.1220 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales

- b. in Leinster, Ireland

- b.02 Sep 1243 in Christchurch, Hampshire, England d.07 Dec 1295 in Monmouth Castle, Gwent, Wales

- b.~ 1125 in Holton, Yorkshire, England d.1178

- b.~ 1139 in Clavering, Essex, England d.11 Oct 1190 in Palestine

- b.~ 1128 in Holton, England d.1193

- b.1171 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England d.1212 in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England

- b.~ 1092 in Great Waltham, Essex, England d.14 Sep 1144 in Suffolk, England

- b.~ 1144 in Roycott, Oxfordshire, England

- b.1109 in Rycott, Oxford, England d.>Oct 1166 in England

- b.1192 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England d.22 Jul 1240 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England

- b.1116 d.1173

- b.1162 in Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England d.30 Dec 1218 in Oxfordshire, England

- b.~ 1135 in Burkenham, Field Dalling, Norfolk d.24 Dec 1195 in Norfolk, England

- b.~ 1180 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England d.1249

- b.1128 d.23 Nov 1183

- b.1160 in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England d.01 Jan 1224

- b.1129 d.24 Apr 1197

- b.1223 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England d.<10 Mar 1288

- b.~ 1127 in Long Buckley, England d.29 Sep 1197 in Manor of Buckley, Northamptonshire, England

- b.1155 in Winchester, Hampshire, England d.03 Nov 1219 in Damietta, Egypt

- b.~ 1135 in Leuchars Castle, Fifeshire, Scotland d.Jun 1203

- b.1172 d.Aug 1257

- b.1130 in Leicester, England d.31 Aug 1190 in Durazzo, West Albania

- b.1154 in Hampshire, England d.12 Jan 1235

- b.~ 1134 in Hinckley, Leicestershire, England d.01 Apr 1212 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England

- b.1208 in Lincoln, England d.<30 Mar 1266 in Clerkenwell, England

- b.1100 in Gernon Castle, Normandy, France d.16 Dec 1153 in St. Werburg's, Chester, Cheshire, England

- b.1147 in Kevelioc, Monmouth, England d.30 Jun 1181 in Leeke, Stafford, England

- b.1120 in Briston, Gloucestershire, England d.29 Jul 1189 in Chester, England

- b.1180 in Chester, Chestershire, England d.1242

- b.1118 in Montfort, Eure, France d.13 Mar 1180 in Cathedral Evereaux, Normandy, France

- b.1155 in Chester, England d.12 Jul 1189 in Evreux, Eure, France

- b.~ 1126 in Monmouth Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.1168 in Montfort-sur-Risle, Eure, Normandy, France