Peter is listed 19 years old on the 1850 Daviess Co. IN Censusin thehousehold of his mother who is listed as a widow and headof thehousehold. Peter and Martha are listed on the 1860Davies Co. INCensus in Van Buren Township. It reads asfollows: Peter Wadsworth28, Martha P. 21, Leander 4, Charlotte2, and Sara 6 months, all bornin IN. They are listed on the1870 Davies Co. IN Census with thefollowing information: PeterR. Wadsworth38, Martha 32, Leander 13,Charlotte 11, Sarah 10,Jane 7, John 5, Ida 4, and David 1. They arelisted on the 1880Daviess Co IN Census with the following information: Peter 48,Martha E. 43, Leander 24, Jane 17, John 15, Ida 12, David10,Oscar 9, Annie B. 7, Francis 5, James 3, and Flora 1, all borninIN. Peter's occupation is listed as a farmer and a coalminer. Theyare listed on the 1900 Daviess Co. IN Census. Itreads Peter Wadsworth69, Martha E. 61, Jane Nancy 37, Francis24, Albert 18, and Elsie 9 whois listed as a granddaughter. Allare born in IN.