Hood, Living

Birth Name Hood, Living
Gramps ID I104396403
Gender female

Relation to the center person (Johnson, Helen Massengale) : fifth cousin


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hood, Ervin [I104306012]
Mother Jarnagin, Sally Joanna [I104305578]February 7, 1904July 15, 1991
    Sister     Hood, Georgia Ozella [I104306026]
    Sister     Hood, Unknown [I104315312]
    Brother     Hood, Unknown [I104319068]
    Sibling     Hood, Unknown [I104319086]
    Brother     Hood, Living [I104319119]
         Hood, Living [I104396403]


    Family of Hend, Henry and Hood, Living [F46179509]
Unknown Partner Hend, Henry [I104396408] ( * + ... )


  1. Hood, Ervin [I104306012]
    1. Jarnagin, Sally Joanna [I104305578]
      1. Hood, Georgia Ozella [I104306026]
      2. Hood, Unknown [I104315312]
      3. Hood, Unknown [I104319068]
      4. Hood, Unknown [I104319086]
      5. Hood, Living [I104319119]
      6. Hood, Living
        1. Hend, Henry [I104396408]
