Hammond, John Waldren 1a
Birth Name | Hammond, John Waldren |
Gramps ID | I7140 |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 65 years, 11 months, 25 days |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth [E5794] | 1891-01-29 | Washington, (Washington Co.), Pennsylvania |
Death [E5795] | 1957-01-23 | Columbus, Ohio |
Event Note
He died at work. |
Burial [E5796] | 1957-01-00 | Reynoldsburg, Ohio |
Event Note
He is buried in the Silent Home Cemetery. |
Military [E5797] | 1911-10-09 |
Event Note
He was enlisted in Company C of the 13th Infantry, and then Company FSignal Corps when he was discharged on 09 24 1914. He reportedlyserved in the Philippines and in Japan, though his military recordshave not been located. |
Military [E5798] | 1917-06-07 |
Event Note
He entered as Private First Class in the General Service Infantry. Hewas discharged on 13 Dec 1918 as a Sergeant in the General ServiceInfantry. |
Occupation [E5799] | 1914 | Cleveland, (Cuyahoga Co.), Ohio | K & W Ignition Company |
Event Note
His weekly wage was $37.00 until he enlisted a second time in theArmy. |
Occupation [E5800] | 1919-01-00 | Cleveland, (Cuyahoga Co.), Ohio | Conductor |
Event Note
He worked for the Cleveland Electric Railroad for 9 1/2 years. He mayhave also worked as a streetcar detective. He earned between $.60 and$.72 per hour, and did not own any real estate. |
Occupation [E5801] | 1929-04-04 | Cleveland, (Cuyahoga Co.), Ohio | FBI Prohibition Agent |
Event Note
He worked the 12th district of Ohio. He and other agents wouldpurchase alcohol, gather evidence, obtain a warrant, then make thearrest and testify in court. They covered a large area on workassignments. Because of the nature of the job, his children had to becareful not to let people know what their father did. John at timestook his wife into "speak easy's" to set up a raid. He wastransferred to Toledo, OH in January 1930, and was injured whiledestroying bottles of beer, but lost no time at work. On 6 Mar 1930,the Cleveland District Attorney and another agent mishandled a casethat was reported in the Cleveland newspaper. John was named in thepaper as being the cause of the problem, and it was suggested that hebe dismissed. He was later exonerated. |
Living [E5802] | 1924 | Parma, Ohio |
Living [E5803] | 1929-04-00 | Cleveland, (Cuyahoga Co.), Ohio |
Event Note
He lived at 4110 Denison Avenue, 21st Election District. |
Living [E5804] | 1931-01-00 | Toledo, (Lucas Co.), Ohio |
Event Note
They lived at 3610 Cathoun St., 9th district. |
Living [E5805] | 1931-03-00 | Memphis, (Shelby Co.), Tennessee |
Event Note
They lived at 1316 Faxton Ave. |
Living [E5806] | 1933-08-00 | Birmingham, Alabama |
Living [E5807] | after 1933-09-00 | Bradenton, Florida |
Living [E5808] | 1936-06-00 | Newbury, Massachusetts |
Event Note
He resided at 12 Dove Street. |
Living [E5809] | 1936-11-00 | Cleveland, (Cuyahoga Co.), Ohio |
Event Note
They lived at 7014 Wakefield Ave. John asked for his records forre-employed and placed on an FBI civil service list. He stayed inCleveland with his aging parents and worked for Brinks Security as aprivate investigator until 1950, when he left for California. |
Living [E5810] | 1950 | California |
Event Note
They moved near his wife's half-sister Virginia Fife, and he foundwork as a paint sprayer for North American Aviation in Los Angeles.He asked North American to transfer east and was transferred toReynoldsburg, OH. |
Relation to the center person (Hammond, Living) : first cousin three times removed (down)
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Hammond, John S. Brady [I7138] | 1858-04-12 | 1943-02-21 | |
Mother | White, Elizabeth Ann [I7139] | 1939-07-07 | ||
Hammond, John Waldren [I7140] | 1891-01-29 | 1957-01-23 |
Family of Hammond, John Waldren and Simpson, Eva Mae [F2552] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Married | Wife | Simpson, Eva Mae [I7148] ( * + 1994-03-22 ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Children |
He completed 8 years of grammar school. His family moved toCleveland, OH before 1909. In the winter of 1909, John was employedby the Sherwin Williams Paint Company in Cleveland at $15.00 per week. He left the job to visit Oregon and Washington.
Source References
Oral family history
- Page: as related by Richard J. Lardo
- Confidence: High