Warren, Susannah

Birth Name Warren, Susannah 1a 2a
Gramps ID I24649
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth [E34890] 1708    
1b 2b
Death [E34891] WFT 1709-1802    
1c 2c


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Warren, Joshua [I24640]1668-07-041760-01-30
Mother Church, Rebecca [I24641]1678-06-271757-04-01
    Sister     Warren, Rebecca [I24646] WFT 1691-1719 WFT 1698-1802
    Sister     Warren, Lydia [I24642] 1696 WFT 1697-1790
    Brother     Warren, Joshua [I24644] 1698 WFT 1699-1788
    Brother     Warren, Nathaniel [I24645] 1700 WFT 1701-1790
    Sister     Warren, Elizabeth [I24648] 1704 WFT 1705-1798
    Sister     Warren, Abigail [I24626] 1705-12-20 WFT 1752-1800
         Warren, Susannah [I24649] 1708 WFT 1709-1802
    Sister     Warren, Hannah [I24650] 1708 WFT 1709-1802
    Sister     Warren, Prudence [I24651] 1709 WFT 1710-1803
    Brother     Warren, Daniel [I24652] 1712 WFT 1713-1802
    Brother     Warren, Phineas [I24653] 1718 WFT 1719-1808


  1. Warren, Joshua [I24640]
    1. Church, Rebecca [I24641]
      1. Warren, Rebecca [I24646]
      2. Warren, Lydia [I24642]
      3. Warren, Joshua [I24644]
      4. Warren, Nathaniel [I24645]
      5. Warren, Elizabeth [I24648]
      6. Warren, Abigail [I24626]
      7. Warren, Susannah
      8. Warren, Hannah [I24650]
      9. Warren, Prudence [I24651]
      10. Warren, Daniel [I24652]
      11. Warren, Phineas [I24653]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 9, Ed. 1 [S314692]
      • Page: Tree #2571
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 3, 1998

      • Page: Tree #2571
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 3, 1998

      • Page: Tree #2571
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 3, 1998

  2. basel.FTW [S633546]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 3, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 3, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 3, 1998