Butler, Pauline Gladys

Birth Name Butler, Pauline Gladys 1a 2a
Gramps ID I52011
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Butler, Arthur Windsor Landers [I52002]1893-09-051964-12-20
Mother Huntington, Glenna Maria [I51890]1898-08-231983-03-15
    Brother     Butler, Bernard Dana [I52007]
    Brother     Butler, Arland Arthur [I52008]
    Brother     Butler, Francis Clair [I52009]
    Brother     Butler, Fay Williard [I52010]
         Butler, Pauline Gladys [I52011]
    Sister     Butler, Florence Ella [I52061]
    Sister     Butler, Annette Idythe [I52054]
    Sister     Butler, Shirley Anita [I52062]
    Sister     Butler, Beatrice Glenna [I52003] 1918-05-22 1989-05-18
    Brother     Butler, Stanley Ramon [I52058] 1939-04-02 1987-12-17


    Family of Fernandez, Jose and Butler, Pauline Gladys [F18279]
Unknown Partner Fernandez, Jose [I52482] ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Private-Begin (Primary) [E316599] Private    
_FA1 [E316600] Private    


  1. Butler, Arthur Windsor Landers [I52002]
    1. Huntington, Glenna Maria [I51890]
      1. Butler, Bernard Dana [I52007]
      2. Butler, Arland Arthur [I52008]
      3. Butler, Francis Clair [I52009]
      4. Butler, Fay Williard [I52010]
      5. Butler, Pauline Gladys
        1. Fernandez, Jose [I52482]
      6. Butler, Florence Ella [I52061]
      7. Butler, Annette Idythe [I52054]
      8. Butler, Shirley Anita [I52062]
      9. Butler, Beatrice Glenna [I52003]
      10. Butler, Stanley Ramon [I52058]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1 [S2754]
      • Page: Tree #0259
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 20, 1998

  2. phelps.FTW [S72670]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 20, 1998