Casey, Stanley Robert

Birth Name Casey, Stanley Robert 1a 2a 2b
Gramps ID I97733
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Casey, Floyd Edward [I97611]1901-11-101959-08-15
Mother Tobin, Clara Mary [I97622]1909-01-291981-10-06
    Brother     Casey, Lloyd Micheal [I97180]
    Sister     Casey, Doris Loraine [I97655]
    Sister     Casey, Betty Lou [I97689]
    Brother     Casey, Adrian LeRoy [I97489]
    Sister     Casey, Linda Alice [I97700]
    Sister     Casey, Lula Mae [I97711]
    Brother     Casey, Floyd Edward [I97722]
         Casey, Stanley Robert [I97733]
    Sister     Casey, Bonita Clara [I97744]
    Sister     Casey, Mary [I97633] 1928-07-22 1990-04-14
    Brother     Casey, Richard Edward [I97644] 1929-08-24 1989-05-30
    Brother     Casey, Claude William (Lefty) [I97666] 1936-01-13 1986-03-31
    Brother     Casey, Douglas Thomas [I97678] 1937-06-07 1988-11-08
    Sister     Casey, Brenda [I97477] 1941-02-14 1941-02-14


    Family of Casey, Stanley Robert and York, Living [F32410]
Unknown Partner York, Living [I97209] ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Casey, Living [I97210]
Casey, Darcy [I97212]1967-01-221980-08-06
Casey, Stanley [I97213]1973-04-031981-03-28


  1. Casey, Floyd Edward [I97611]
    1. Tobin, Clara Mary [I97622]
      1. Casey, Lloyd Micheal [I97180]
      2. Casey, Doris Loraine [I97655]
      3. Casey, Betty Lou [I97689]
      4. Casey, Adrian LeRoy [I97489]
      5. Casey, Linda Alice [I97700]
      6. Casey, Lula Mae [I97711]
      7. Casey, Floyd Edward [I97722]
      8. Casey, Stanley Robert
        1. York, Living [I97209]
          1. Casey, Living [I97210]
          2. Casey, Darcy [I97212]
          3. Casey, Stanley [I97213]
      9. Casey, Bonita Clara [I97744]
      10. Casey, Mary [I97633]
      11. Casey, Richard Edward [I97644]
      12. Casey, Claude William (Lefty) [I97666]
      13. Casey, Douglas Thomas [I97678]
      14. Casey, Brenda [I97477]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1 [S2801]
      • Page: Tree #4463
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 30, 1998

  2. 4463.ftw [S1982443]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 30, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 31, 1998