Norman was born at about 4:30 PM at the home of his gradparents, George and Margaret Be... He was delivered by Dr. Campbell with the grandmother, Matilda, assisting as a midwife. Because the baby was turning blue, he was placed on the oven door of the wood cooking stove to keep warm. Norman's father, George, did not know he was born untill he arrived home to an empty house and came over to see what was going on.
Norman joined the US Navy in 1945 during World War II. Discharfed October 26, 1948. Was in the Reserves until January 14, 1955. Went to work for AAA (Auto Club of Michigan) July 25, 1949 as a driving instructor. In 1952 became a claim adjuster for AAA and when retired was a Branch Manager of the Troy AAA Branch. In retirement he volunteered for Troy Beaumont Hospital in Emergency Center. Active in church belong to St. Jane Frances de Chantal as a usher and Pres. of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference.
Index of births, Sanilac County: Norman George, b. aft 1925, Book I, Page 54 or 43