Davis, Ora Danridge

Birth Name Davis, Ora Danridge 1a 2a
Gramps ID I157589
Gender female
Age at Death 37 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth [E241591] 1898    
1b 2b
Death [E241592] 1935    
1c 2c


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Davis, James Atlas [I157591]WFT 1848-1876WFT 1901-1962
Mother Bryan, India [I157565]18721946
    Brother     Davis, Woodrow Wilson [I157584]
    Brother     Davis, James Dorris [I157585]
    Brother     Davis, Ruffin Gardner [I157586]
    Sister     Davis, Eliza Bell [I157587]
    Sister     Davis, Elizabeth White [I157588]
    Sister     Davis, Olga Evelyn [I157590]
         Davis, Ora Danridge [I157589] 1898 1935


  1. Davis, James Atlas [I157591]
    1. Bryan, India [I157565]
      1. Davis, Woodrow Wilson [I157584]
      2. Davis, James Dorris [I157585]
      3. Davis, Ruffin Gardner [I157586]
      4. Davis, Eliza Bell [I157587]
      5. Davis, Elizabeth White [I157588]
      6. Davis, Olga Evelyn [I157590]
      7. Davis, Ora Danridge


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1 [S3295562]
      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

  2. 5873.ftw [S3406208]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998