Cox, Mildred Moselle

Birth Name Cox, Mildred Moselle 1a 2a
Gramps ID I160570
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Cox, Alphonso [I160567]WFT 1870-1903WFT 1934-1987
Mother Williams, Ella Gilchrist [I160564]1895-08-11WFT 1934-1990
    Brother     Cox, Alphonso Durwood [I160568]
    Brother     Cox, Gregory Williams [I160569] 1917-01-21 1917-01-21
         Cox, Mildred Moselle [I160570]
    Sister     Cox, Lesley Miriam [I160571]
    Brother     Cox, Angus Wharton [I160572]
    Sister     Cox, Beverly Jean [I160573]
    Brother     Cox, Brisbane Sidney [I160574]
    Sister     Cox, Ellita Louise [I160575]


  1. Cox, Alphonso [I160567]
    1. Williams, Ella Gilchrist [I160564]
      1. Cox, Alphonso Durwood [I160568]
      2. Cox, Gregory Williams [I160569]
      3. Cox, Mildred Moselle
      4. Cox, Lesley Miriam [I160571]
      5. Cox, Angus Wharton [I160572]
      6. Cox, Beverly Jean [I160573]
      7. Cox, Brisbane Sidney [I160574]
      8. Cox, Ellita Louise [I160575]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1 [S3295562]
      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

  2. 5873.ftw [S3406208]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998