George W. Cook, a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Big Creek Township, is the son of James and Elizaberth Cook, Natives of Tennessee. The father was for many years a famer of the State, which occupation he followed unitl his death in 1857. The mother was a member of the Methodist Church, and both she and her husbank (James) were worthy of the respect shown them. Eight choldren were born to this union, only three of whom are now living. George W. is accounted for by all as one of the prominent farmers of Craighead County, having a large, well cultivated farm, splendidly stocked with horses, cattle and fine hogs. His marriage to Sarah J. Kitchens was consummated in 1865 and to their union have been born 12 children, seven of whom are living. One daughter (Margaret) is married to James Coward, and the yougest is two years old. Mr Cook is a man of sterling worht in the community. He belongs to both the Masonic order and the Eastern Star, is a member of the Missionary Baptist Chuch, and gives freely of his means for the promotion of progressive movements.
"From the Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas". Complied by Mrs. Leister Presley, Searcy, Arkansas.