DeLong, Betty Lou

Birth Name DeLong, Betty Lou 1a 2a
Gramps ID I69592
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father DeLong, Otto Walthers [I68421]1886-09-031969-05-22
Mother Olmstead, Amber Grace [I68440]WFT 1880-19051948-09-00
    Sister     DeLong, Freeda Helen [I69593]
         DeLong, Betty Lou [I69592]
    Sister     DeLong, Hilda Lucille [I69594]
    Brother     DeLong, George B. [I69589]
    Brother     DeLong, Living [I69590]
    Brother     DeLong, Living [I69591]
    Sister     DeLong, Faye [I69601] WFT 1907-1935 Infant
    Brother     DeLong, Jack Walthers [I69602] WFT 1907-1935 Child


    Family of Zetterberg, Frank Sidney and DeLong, Betty Lou [F23866]
Unknown Partner Zetterberg, Frank Sidney [I69609] ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
_FA1 [E322581] Private    
Seal (Primary) [E322582] Private    
    Family of Carson, James and DeLong, Betty Lou [F23867]
Unknown Partner Carson, James [I69610] ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
_FA1 [E322583] Private    
Seal (Primary) [E322584] Private    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Carson, Living [I69607]
Carson, Living [I69617]


  1. DeLong, Otto Walthers [I68421]
    1. Olmstead, Amber Grace [I68440]
      1. DeLong, Freeda Helen [I69593]
      2. DeLong, Betty Lou
        1. Zetterberg, Frank Sidney [I69609]
        2. Carson, James [I69610]
          1. Carson, Living [I69607]
          2. Carson, Living [I69617]
      3. DeLong, Hilda Lucille [I69594]
      4. DeLong, George B. [I69589]
      5. DeLong, Living [I69590]
      6. DeLong, Living [I69591]
      7. DeLong, Faye [I69601]
      8. DeLong, Jack Walthers [I69602]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1 [S1384022]
      • Page: Tree #2537
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 24, 1998

  2. phleps.FTW [S1395979]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Oct 24, 1998