Purcell, Ralph Lane

Birth Name Purcell, Ralph Lane 1a 2a
Gramps ID I160024
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth [E245244] 1893-10-15    
1b 2b
Death [E245245] WFT 1937-1985    
1c 2c


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Purcell, Thomas [I160012]1850-01-261896-06-22
Mother McCallum, Margaret Catherine [I160013]1852-04-261913-11-02
    Brother     Purcell, John Gilchrist [I160015] 1876-04-08 WFT 1914-1967
    Sister     Purcell, Catherine Annie [I160016] 1877-05-11 WFT 1922-1972
    Sister     Purcell, Clarkie Edna [I160017] 1878-10-13 WFT 1906-1972
    Sister     Purcell, Infant [I160018] 1880-03-28 1880-04-01
    Sister     Purcell, Mary Eliza [I160019] 1881-07-03 WFT 1926-1976
    Sister     Purcell, Allie Drake [I160020] 1883-04-09 before 1940
    Brother     Purcell, James Smith [I160021] 1885-02-26 WFT 1886-1975
    Sister     Purcell, Nannie Gertrude [I160022] 1887-08-22 1888-10-24
    Brother     Purcell, Thomas Hector [I158197] 1890-03-09 WFT 1925-1981
    Brother     Purcell, Benjamin Douglas [I160023] 1891-12-08 1918-11-02
         Purcell, Ralph Lane [I160024] 1893-10-15 WFT 1937-1985


    Family of Purcell, Ralph Lane and McArthur, Flora A. [F49502]
Unknown Partner McArthur, Flora A. [I160061] ( * WFT 1889-1907 + before 1920 )
    Family of Purcell, Ralph Lane and McArthur, Janie [F49503]
Unknown Partner McArthur, Janie [I160062] ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Purcell, Living [I160063]
Purcell, Living [I160064]
Purcell, Living [I160065]


  1. Purcell, Thomas [I160012]
    1. McCallum, Margaret Catherine [I160013]
      1. Purcell, John Gilchrist [I160015]
      2. Purcell, Catherine Annie [I160016]
      3. Purcell, Clarkie Edna [I160017]
      4. Purcell, Infant [I160018]
      5. Purcell, Mary Eliza [I160019]
      6. Purcell, Allie Drake [I160020]
      7. Purcell, James Smith [I160021]
      8. Purcell, Nannie Gertrude [I160022]
      9. Purcell, Thomas Hector [I158197]
      10. Purcell, Benjamin Douglas [I160023]
      11. Purcell, Ralph Lane
        1. McArthur, Flora A. [I160061]
        2. McArthur, Janie [I160062]
          1. Purcell, Living [I160063]
          2. Purcell, Living [I160064]
          3. Purcell, Living [I160065]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1 [S3295562]
      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Page: Tree #5873
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

  2. 5873.ftw [S3406208]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998

      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 5, 1998