Davis, Nedra Janey

Birth Name Davis, Nedra Janey 1a 2a
Gramps ID I150046
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Davis, Jonathon Delafayette [I150978]1897-03-02about 1966
Mother Campbell, Living [I150984]
         Davis, Nedra Janey [I150046]
    Brother     Davis, Wallace Alexander [I150050]
    Brother     Davis, Byron Wayne [I150979]
    Sister     Davis, Living [I150994]
    Sister     Davis, Living [I150995]
    Brother     Davis, Living [I150997]
    Sister     Davis, Living [I150998]
    Brother     Davis, Living [I150999]
    Sister     Davis, Margaret Ann [I150977] WFT 1918-1947 WFT 1923-1995
    Brother     Davis, Jonathon Dale [I150993] WFT 1918-1947 WFT 1924-1995
    Brother     Davis, William Gale [I148989] 1931-05-06 1977-07-20


  1. Davis, Jonathon Delafayette [I150978]
    1. Campbell, Living [I150984]
      1. Davis, Nedra Janey
      2. Davis, Wallace Alexander [I150050]
      3. Davis, Byron Wayne [I150979]
      4. Davis, Living [I150994]
      5. Davis, Living [I150995]
      6. Davis, Living [I150997]
      7. Davis, Living [I150998]
      8. Davis, Living [I150999]
      9. Davis, Margaret Ann [I150977]
      10. Davis, Jonathon Dale [I150993]
      11. Davis, William Gale [I148989]


Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1 [S291512]
      • Page: Tree #3084
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 4, 1998

  2. 3084.ftw [S3174295]
      • Source text:

        Date of Import: Dec 4, 1998