Abbott, Osceola Charles
Birth Name | Abbott, Osceola Charles 1a 2a |
Gramps ID | I94164 |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 77 years, 11 months, 24 days |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth [E150454] | 1882-01-13 | Albion, Booone County, Nabraska |
1b 2b | |
Death [E150455] | 1960-01-06 | San Pedro, California |
Cause: Heart Disease |
1c 2c | |
Burial [E150456] | 1960-01-08 | Inglewood Park Cemetery |
1d 2d | |
Occupation [E150457] | San Pedro Lumber Co. 50 years |
1e 2e | ||
Residence [E150458] | 436 10th St. San Pedro, California |
1f 2f | ||
Ethnicity/Relig. [E150459] | Methodist, 1st Methodist Church |
1g 2g | ||
Comment 1 [E150460] | San Pedro Lodge No. 332, F & A M |
1h 2h | ||
Comment 2 [E150461] | San Pedro Lumber Co. (49 years) |
1i 2i | ||
Comment 3 [E150462] | Volunteer Fireman, San Pedro, 1905 |
1j 2j |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Abbott, Osceola Charles [I94167] | 1851-09-05 | 1921-08-18 | |
Mother | Carnahan, Emma Elizabeth [I94168] | 1852-08-12 | 1906-02-09 | |
Brother | Abbott, Edwin Stewart [I94169] | 1875-11-12 | 1933-03-28 | |
Brother | Abbott, Clare C. [I94170] | 1880-04-16 | 1934-03-03 | |
Abbott, Osceola Charles [I94164] | 1882-01-13 | 1960-01-06 | ||
Brother | Abbott, Harry K. [I94171] | 1885-03-22 | 1886-05-10 | |
Sister | Abbott, Loula Emma [I94172] | 1887-02-12 | 1945-07-11 | |
Brother | Abbott, John De Forrest [I94173] | 1889-10-31 | 1958-01-06 | |
Sister | Abbott, Alice [I94174] | 1892-10-05 | 1893-10-04 | |
Sister | Abbott, Alline [I94175] | 1892-10-05 | 1893-07-28 |
Family of Abbott, Osceola Charles and Ross, Emily Cecilia [F30630] | ||||||||||||||
Married | Wife | Ross, Emily Cecilia [I94165] ( * 1883-08-04 + 1969-05-25 ) | ||||||||||||
Children |
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0004, Date of Import: Oct 27, 1998]
While living in Albion, only two things can be remembered, one, some boys and myself climbed to the roof of the house and were blowing soap bubbles, second, I remember sliding down a bannister and fell off and fell on clothes line which broke my fall.
In 1886 we left Albion in covered wagons for Glenrock, Wyoming. Father's brother Mack had already gone ahead and located there. It was Mack Abbott who gave the name to Glenrock.
As we drove in sight of Glenrock we were on the top of a small hill and just below us on the level ground an antelope was standing, father shot the antelope and we drove down to get it and camped on the spot. We decided to stay there and father commenced at once to build his home. I have pictures of the log cabin taken some time later when additions were added and used as general store and Post Office. (see picture). The location of the log house was where the present site of the park and ball grounds are, near Deer Creek. (Today. Jan. 1950) In 1887 Father was appointed Postmaster. (see papers) In those days many indians and wild animals roamed the country. One instance about indians, brother Clare and I had captured a young eagle and were keeping it as a pet, but indians coming into the store did not like it, they kept picking it up and finally one picked it up and threw it on the floor and killed it.
One evening as Clare and my-self were getting ready for bed we stepped outside and we were sure we saw a bear, we ran into the store yelling there was a bear outside. The men in the store grabbed their guns and ran outside and found not a bear but a young calf. Bears were known to be in the locality so we were not blamed.
In the year 1888 the family went by covered wagon to Fremont Lake, a distance of about 250 miles, in the Jackson Hole country. The trip was for pleasure. I remember father shooting an elk, but as he ran toward it after knocking it down it got up and ran away. Father and Ed made a log raft and then they put the wagon bed on it and pushed it out in the lake. It was a very safe place for us small boys and a great many fish were caught. I do not remember how long we stayed at the lake, but I remember on the way home as we were driving along the banks of the Sweetwater River we came to a very steep place and the wagon was up set. I was riding at the rear end at the time and jumped out as the wagon turned over. I do not remember how long it took us to get going again. There were no roads through that part of the country at that time. The three of us boys attended a one room school while in Glenrock. One day for some reason I cannot recall, the teacher was going to whip me, but big brother Ed jumped in and took the whip away from the teacher.
Sister Lula was born in Glenrock, Feb. 12, 1887. On the day of her birth Clare and myself could not make out what all the fuss was about. They would not let us in the room so I looked through the key holeand see a small baby, the first time I had seen my sister Lula.
On the large rock just west of town many indian beads were found, also it was a place to gather for a picnic. (see picture)
In 1889 we left Glenrock by covered wagon for Denver. As we had two extra horses we took turns riding them. One day as Ed & I were riding the horses in back of the wagon , we came in sight of a large herd of antelope, father stopped the wagon and as the antelope are very curious they kept coming closer, one antelope was far in the lead and I see father getting his gun ready to shoot. Just as he was ready to shoot I jumped off my horse thinking the horse might get scared when he heard the shot, but the minute I jumped the whole herd turned and ran. Father said they were curious to find out what Ed & I were, riding horses in back of the wagon. I do not remember what else he said.
We arrived in Denver, but lived there less than a year. Father worked as carpenter and Jack was born there on Oct. 31, 1889. I remember selling papers there and one day I picked up a cigar butt and smoked it, which made me very sick. We left Denver by train and arrived in Wilmington on April 1, 1890. When we came in sight of the bay Ed remarked it would be a fine place to skate when it froze over next winter. Father got a job running a fish market on the dock where the Catalina Terminal is at present. We lived in a house on the west side of Avalon Blvd. (Canal St.) about one half way between the S.P. Depot and the Catalina Terminal, an auto park is located there now. The house
was up on stilts and the tide came up under the house at every high tide. We caught small fish from the front porch and that is where I learned to swim. After about six or seven months in Wilmington we moved to San Pedro and lived in a house located where the present fish markets are to day. (1950) [note: 1992, Ports of Call parking lot.] The house was at the edge of the water and a small dock extended out into the water. One day Lula fell off the dock, but as luck would have it the tide was out. One event happened there that came near being the end of Jack, Ed was cleaning his shot gun on the bed and Jack was sitting beside him, in some way the gun was discharged and very nearly hitting Jack, but tore a big hole in the side of the house. We moved into this house at the foot of 10th Street in the later part of 1890. I am still living on 10th St. in 1950.
O. C. Abbott II
During his school days, he recalls, he found an old cannon ball in the ruins of an adobe building on the bluff of what is now Ft. MacAuther.
Mr. Abbott lost one eye because of a wood chip at the San Pedro Lumber Company where is was employed as superintend in 1946. He retired after 50 years with San Pedro Lumber Company, Feb. 15, 1947.
Source References
Brøderbund Software, Inc.: World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1
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