[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #3084, Date of Import: Dec 4, 1998]
!From Family record compiled by Eugene Ellis Williams, Phoenix, Arizona, March
31, 1937.
!Nehemiah Williams, son of Josiah and Dimeus (Spencer) Williams was born is the
State of New York, 9/5/1795.
!He had 2 sisters: Thursa Saurena, about whom little is known. Mary, who
married Samuel Jackson and moved out West.
!One brother, William, who married Miss Hanna: they had 4 children: William,
Eliza, Jane, and James.
!On 12.25.1816, in Gurnsey County, Ohio, he married Miss Hester Pickering. They
moved to By Township, Ottawa County, Ohio, in 1834. In Gurnsey Co. they lived
on or near Wills Creek.
!He died 7/29(?)/1868, and was buried in Rushaw cememtery, in Carroll Township,
Ottawa Co. Ohio.
!He was Scotch and Irish, was nearly six feet tall, weighed about 180 lbs., had
black hair and blue eyes. He was crippled while jumping and remained a cripple
through life, dying with a fever caused by his crippled limb. He was a member
of the Baptist church and later of the United Brethren in Christ church.