- b.~ 1600

- b.~ 1630 in St. Jacques du Haut Pas, Paris, Ile de France

- b.~ 1600

- b.~ 1670 in Ste. Famille, Isle d'Orleans, Province of Quebec, Canada d. in Kamouraska, Province of Quebec, Canada

- b.~ 1630 in St. Gervais, ville de Sees, Normandie, France
- b.BET. 1695 - 1700

- b.BET. 1590 - 1600

- b.1637 in Illeville sur Montfort, Normandie, France

- b.BET. 1590 - 1600

- b.~ 1670 in Chateau Richer, Montmorency, Province of Quebec, Canada

- b.~ 1600

- b.20 Apr 1622 in Chatillon le Bagneux, pres de Paris, Ile de France d.~ 1680

- b.~ 1600

- b.09 Sep 1651

- b.BET. 1560 - 1570 d.AFT. 2 MAR 1632/33 in Mortagne, Perche, Poitou, France

- b.~ 1590 in Mortagne, Perche, Poitou, France d.17 Sep 1677 in Chateau Richer, Montmorency, Province of Quebec, Canada

- b.BET. 1560 - 1570

- b.~ 1630 d.22 JAN 1698/99

- b.~ 1570

- b.~ 1596 in St. Jean de Mortagne, France d.13 Jul 1680 in Chateau Richer, Montmorency, Province of Quebec, Canada

- b.~ 1570