Alexander and Martha Orr’s Descendants
Orr, Mary J
Rice, Sarah M
Burial, Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Moore, Crockett
Burial, Moore, Crockett
Burial, Stone, John W
Stone, John W
Slaughter, Hugh A
Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Orr, Benjamin Franklin
Marriage, Family of Orr, Benjamin Franklin and Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Burial, Williams, Mary S
Williams, Mary S
Williams, Mary S
Burial, Morris, George Washington
Morris, George Washington
Slaughter, Martha
Marriage, Family of Millburn and Slaughter, Martha
Slaughter, William Harvey
Marriage, Family of Slaughter, William Harvey and Thorpe, Mary
Thorpe, Mary
Burial, Orr, Lucy Jane
Orr, Lucy Jane
Seaford, Louisa Francis
Burial, Seaford, Louisa Francis
Death, Weatherholt, Kate W
Weatherholt, Kate W
Death, Rice, Sarah M
Rice, Sarah M
Thorpe, Mary
Slaughter, Martha
Burial, Slaughter, Caroline
Slaughter, Caroline
Burial, Slaughter, Thomas A
Slaughter, Thomas A
Death, Williams, Mary S
Williams, Mary S
Burial, Orr, Jesse Alexander
Orr, Jesse Alexander
Birth, Rice, Sarah M
Rice, Sarah M
Birth, Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Orr, Frances Caroline
Burial, Orr, Frances Caroline
Orr, Benjamin Franklin
Burial, Orr, Benjamin Franklin
Burial, Adams, Nancy Matthews
Adams, Nancy Matthews
Burial, Orr, William McCain
Orr, William McCain
Death, Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Burial, Orr, Horace Lee
Orr, Horace Lee
Weatherholt, Kate W
Burial, Bullock, Emma Jane
Bullock, Emma Jane
Burial, Orr, James Craig
Orr, James Craig
Birth, Orr, Mary J
Orr, Mary J
Adams, James D
Birth, Adams, James D
Weatherholt, Kate W
Orr, Benjamin Franklin
Marriage, Family of Orr, Benjamin Franklin and Weatherholt, Kate W
Griffith, Elizabeth Owen
Williams, Mary S
Birth, Williams, Mary S
Adams, James D
Burial, Slaughter, William Harvey
Slaughter, William Harvey
Orr, Mary Isabel
Burial, Orr, Mary Isabel