Colonial Virginia Source Records, 1600-1700s
Randolph, Mary Isham
Rogers, Jane Lilburne
Will, Rogers, Jane Lilburne
Wormerly, Agatha
Randolph, Beverly
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Beverly and Wormerly, Agatha
Randolph, William III
Harrison, Ann Carlin
Marriage, Family of Randolph, William III and Harrison, Ann Carlin
Eppes, Edmund
Rogers, Jane Lilburne
Death, Rogers, Jane Lilburne
Tarleton, Susanna
Meade, David
Birth, Meade, David
Meade, David
Scott, John
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Brett and Scott, Mary
Randolph, Brett
Scott, Mary
Randolph, William T
Fleming, Judith
Wormeley, Judith
Wormeley, Judith
Birth, Wormeley, Judith
Randolph, Isham
Death, Randolph, Isham
Randolph, Brett Jr
Randolph, Judith
Birth, Randolph, Thomas
Randolph, Thomas
Randolph, Isham
Birth, Randolph, Isham
Bolling, Robert
Randolph, William T
Birth, Randolph, William T
Randolph, Thomas
Death, Randolph, Thomas
Cocke, Anne
Randolph, Beverly
Eppes, Mary
Marriage, Family of Davies, Nicholas and Tarleton, Susanna
Davies, Nicholas
Tarleton, Susanna
Randolph, Thomas
Meade, Ann
Randolph, Brett
Death, Randolph, Brett
Keith, James
Davies, Nicholas
Randolph, Brett Jr
Death, Randolph, Brett Jr
Randolph, Grief
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Beverly and Lightfoot, Elizabeth
Lightfoot, Elizabeth
Randolph, Beverly
Rogers, Jane Lilburne
Scott, Mary
Page, Mann
Randolph, Ann
Randolph, Brett
Birth, Randolph, Brett
Death, Meade, Ann
Meade, Ann
Randolph, Grief
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Grief and Eppes, Mary
Eppes, Mary
Fleming, Charles
Tarleton, Susanna
Birth, Tarleton, Susanna
Death, Randolph, William T
Randolph, William T
Lightfoot, Francis
Lightfoot, Elizabeth
Bolling, Lucy
Stith, William
Randolph, Brett Jr
Randolph, Ann
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Brett Jr and Randolph, Ann
Randolph, Beverly
Birth, Randolph, Beverly
Meade, Ann
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Richard and Meade, Ann
Randolph, Richard
Page, Maria Judith
Marriage, Family of Randolph, Peter and Bolling, Lucy
Bolling, Lucy
Randolph, Peter
Randolph, Brett
Randolph, Beverly
Death, Randolph, Beverly
Randolph, Isham
Meade, Ann
Birth, Meade, Ann