of Judea
Of Judea's father is
Absalom of Judea
. Her paternal grandfather was
King John Hyrcanus of Judea
. She is an only child.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
John of Judea
Mattathis of Judea
- d.dd MMM 0167 BC
High Priest Simon Maccabaeus of Judea
- d.dd MMM 0134 BC
King John Hyrcanus of Judea
- d.dd MMM 0104 BC
Absalom of Judea
of Judea
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
of Judea's family with King Judah Aristobulus of Judea
They had a son named
Alexander Hasmonean
King Alexander Hasmonean of Judea
He died due to Killed shortly after the flight of Pompey, in Antioch in 0049 BC.
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